Twelfth Night – Viola/Cesario Quotes

“Conceal me what I am” Viola is very intuitive in coming up with her idea to dress as a eunuch
“Myself would be his wife” Viola falls in love with Orsino, Shakespeare uses structural device of an aside
“Speaks very shrewishly” Malvolio notices Viola’s intelligence
“King lies by a beggar, if a beggar dwell near him” Viola is clever enough to be able to verbally spar with Feste
“My legs do better understand me” She humiliates Sir Toby through clever wordplay and taking the literal meaning of the word taste
“I see what you are, you are too proud” Viola is bold in her criticism of Olivia
“Your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear” Viola is shown to be highly intelligent as she uses elaborate and expressive language
“To do you rest, a thousand deaths would die.” Viola is shown to be as infatuated with Orsino as he is with Olivia, this leads to her abandoning the sensible side to her character
“Will you hoist sail, sir?” “I am to hull here a little longer” Viola engages in verbal fencing with Maria
“Et vous aussi; votre serviteur” Viola is able to speak Latin which highlights her intelligence