The tempest Quotes

Act 1 quotes showing initial upheaval reflecting the corresponding social one ” what cares these roarers for the name of king”
Antonio and Sebastian are introduced for the first time ” lets take leave of him”- Sebastian in reference to the king
1.2 Miranda as a naïve character ” a brave vessel who has no doubt some noble creatures in there” ” o I have suffered with those that I saw suffer” = innocent
The initial presentation of Miranda and Prospero’s relationship ” I have done nothing but in care of thee” ” thou wast that did preserve me”” a cherubin” = all indicating paternal love The discussion of the past events involves close attention ” lie there, my art” ” obey and be attentive” = superficially addressing the audience
Description of Prospero’s usurpation showing the rottenness 1.2 ” he was the ivy which has hid my princely trunk” – natural imagery, has sapped the vitality of the tree of which depended= damaged reputationHowever there are indications that Prospero neglected his duties in place of Magic although ” a prince of power” he became ” rapt in secret studies” ” dedicated to closeness and the bettering of my mind” [Marxism]
The initial relationship between Ariel and Prospero the relationship shows the effect that the coloniser has over the existing population and culture-superficially obedient ” all hail, great master! grave sir hail!” ” brave spirit”however upon signs of tension ” is there more toil?” the relationship sours ” thou liest, malignant thing. Hast thou forgot the foul witch sycorax” ” in her most unmitigable rage” = parallels between them. Prospero serves threats of imprisonment ” I will rend an oak and peg thee in his knotty entrails”
Motivations for Prospero he never aims to harm anyone but to serve moral lessons ” but are they, Ariel safe?” ” not a hair perished, on their sustaining garments not a blemish” – rhyming couplets
Prospero and Caliban’s relationship Dehumanisation of Caliban as a native of the island ” come thou tortoise when?” Presented as a primitive being ” I must eat my dinner”in reference to the accusations of rape ” thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child” the response highlights him to be uncivilised ” thou didst prevent me; I had peopled else this isle with Calibans” references to learning, theme of power that knowledge can bring: representing William Strachey’s view in his shipwrecked account that ‘savages’ could not be civilised ” you taught me language , and my profit on it is I know how to curse” = Caliban’s seemingly animalistic behaviour is a direct produce of his mistreatment and the effect of a coloniser. -Signs of disobedience and that Caliban as the ‘noble savage’ should be the natural ruler ” for I am all the subjects that you have” ” there’s wood enough within”The brutality of Prospero will continue to rule through punishment ” thou shalt be pinched as thick as honeycomb”
Love at first sight between Ferdinand and Miranda manipulated by Prospero – theatrical reference ” the fringed curtains of thine eyes advance” – ” it goes on I see” – aside Highlighted naivety of Miranda increased her susceptibility: ” I might call him a thing divine, for nothing natural I ever saw so noble” – this is ironic as he is only ” the third man that e’er I saw”
proper introduction to the nobles: highlighting a theme that peoples experiences are filtered by their own mind and perspective Sebastian’s cruelty towards Alonso: ” sir you may thank yourself for this great loss” – Gonzalo condemns his cruelty ” you rub the sore, when your should bring the plaster” Antonio = has a distorted European perspective of the island ” the ground is indeed tawny” – toxicity
Gonzalo represents a morally superior character opportunity for spiritual renewal ” methinks our garments are now as fresh as when we put them on in Afric” His interpretation of the island ” how lush and lusty the grass looks!”
Gonzalo’s utopia speech offers sharp contrast to Antonio’s ruthless pursuit of power: A03 connotes Montaigne’s essay of the ideal state of humanity ” golden age” ” no sovereignty” ” all men idle.. and women too”
Antonio and Sebastian’s murder plot The altered state of sleep highlights characters vulnerability, Antonio’s manipulation. ” what all so soon asleep?” – Sebastian’s further use of sleep references in reference to Antonio’s manipulation ” there’s meaning in thy snores” – psychoanalytic approach , unconscious desire for power-Antonio’s manipulation intensified through clothing imagery of power ” my strong imagination sees a crown dropping upon thy head” -He references his overruling of Prospero ” look how well my garments sit upon me” – Sebastian highlights that he is a ruthless character ” but for your conscience?” – ” ay sir where lies that?” – Machiavellian era.
Comedic trio begin Caliban is haunting by spirits ” hiss me into madness” – Knockabout clown humour, Commedia de’ll arte- Trinculo ” I hid me under the dead moon-calf’s gaberdine for fear of the storm” -The drunkenness of the characters/motif of Alcohol is a means of control of Caliban ” I swear upon that bottle, to be thy true subject, for the liquor is not earthy” – Caliban has a misguided notion of freedom = Stephano can ” keep him tame” through alcohol
Trinculo and Stephano speak in prose as befits commoners= highlighting their unrealistic ambition : also offer a comment on colonial exploitation Trinculo ” were I in England now, as once I was and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver” Stephano – ” he is a present for any emperor that ever trod on neat’s leather”
The relationship of the trio terms of address for Caliban ” moon-calf” ” monster” yet Caliban presents himself as a noble savage speaking in verse ” i’ll show thee the best springs, i’ll pluck thee berries” = he is ready to exchange one master for the other rather than seeking freedom.Drunk song ” has a new master. get a new man” ” freedom, freedom, high-day freedom”- staging is not only comedic but shows his servility Stephano exploits his misguided notion ” o brave monster. lead the way” ” I prithee now lead the way without any more talking”
The love test 3.1 [ preparation for the enactment of the restoration of legitimate power in the union between Milan and Naples]” ” Sweet Miranda” ” the mistress which I serve quickens what’s dead, and makes my labours pleasures” = willing to serveMiranda’s free will is highlighted ” I’ll bear your logs for a while” ” Miranda-o my father, I have broke your hest to say so” – previously dutiful daughterFerdinand’s description of Miranda as ” so perfect and peerless” – Miranda herself understands that her virginity is her value ” I am skilless of, by my modesty, the jewel in my dower”
Miranda’s forward and unconventional behaviour ” do you love me?” ” o heaven o earth, bear witness to this sound” = elevated speech, restoration.
Prospero’s aside reiterates that he is the puppet-master of the events ” fair encounter of two most rare affections” – content with the results of the task- Altered state reiterated ” poor worm, thou art infected” – contrast to altered state of Alcohol
Act 3 scene 2 returns to comedic trio = Caliban outlines his vengeful intent to murder Prospero ” I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island” – motives for blood thirsty revenge. – he plays up to his savagery representation ” batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake” – violent imagery- ” burn but his books. He has brave utensils” – symbolism -Intelligence of Caliban ” and that most deeply to consider is the beauty of his daughter” – links to gender approach, viewing Miranda as a prize.
The comedic trio: comedic moments Stephano’s inflated ego- vanity serving as a classically comical aspect ” servant-monster, drink to me” – yet Caliban wont serve Trinculo ” I’ll not serve him, he is not valiant” -Alcohol motif grows stronger ” thy eyes are almost set in thy head” – Comparison between the Europeans and Caliban ” be not afeard, the isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs” ” sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears” – Caliban is sensitive to the beauty of the island
Banquet masque scene involving the divine retribution of the characters as they have offended against the natural order the masque is commanded and watched by Prospero ” [ enter Prospero on the top, invisible]” Alonso eats the banquet and thus causing “[Ariel enters as a harpy]” – harpy’s invokes mythological references to terrifying and implacable punishment by the gods. “[ enter several strange shapes, bringing the banquet]” – Alonso and Gonzalo wonder at the “[ marvellous sweet music]” whilst Antonio and Sebastian respond with characteristic scorn ” a living drollery”
Gonzalo’s important quote about humans shower fewer humanitarian characteristics ” for certes these are people of the island- who though they are of monstrous shape, yet note, their manners are more gentle-kind than of our human generation you shall find many” Prospero ” honest lord, thou hast said well, for some of you there present are worse than devils”
Three men of sin speech Ariel as a harpy “[ enter Ariel, like a harpy claps his wings upon the table]” ” you are three men of sin” – accusatory direct address, without a moral compass grotesque imagery ” the never-surfeited sea hath caused to belch you up” Ariel serves as Prospero’s mouthpiece ” that you there from Milan did supplant good Prospero; exposed unto the sea” Alonso offers hope in being the only character to be remorseful ” i’ll seek him deeper then e’er plummet sounded and with him there lie mudded”
The wedding Masque offers temporary light relief Ferdinand and Prospero: Miranda is commodified- ” here, afore heaven I ratify this my rich gift” ” but if thou dost break her virgin-knot before all sanctimonious ceremonies may will full and holy rite be ministered”The maintenance of Miranda’s values is essential ” to make this contract grow” = ambiguity of interpretation
Wedding masque [ form of court spectacle designed to delight the eye and imagination] ” no tongue, all eyes. Be silent” Ceres as goddess of earthly fertility ” earth’s increase, foison plenty, barns and garners never empty” Iris= joins heaven and earth ” a contract of true love to celebrate” – orchestrated by Prospero.
Prospero’s thoughts become more sombre “[ strange, hollow and confused noise they heavily vanish]” Prospero’s speech on the fleeting world we live in- The masque and play as a whole becomes a metaphor for life ” the gorgeous palaces, the solemn temples” ” the great globe itself.. shall dissolve” = realisation of ending of the show ” we are such stuff dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep”
Reference to nature/nurture debate that the natural cannot be civilised ” A devil, a born devil, on whose nature nurture can never stick”
Reappearance of comedic trio -the ” glistening apparel” scene foolishness of servile nature ” let’t alone, thou fool it is but trash” – towards Trinculo ” thy Caliban, for aye thy foot-licker” – towards Stephano. – The materialism is emphasised of the characters ” ” look what a wardrobe here is for thee” – Trinculo Caliban is confused by the colonial greed ” what do you mean to dote thus on such luggage? “
Climatic scene in which Prospero decides the fate of the nobles and the comedic trio Ariel uses the upmost morality of Gonzalo to persuade Prospero that forgiveness is much more suitable ” the good old lord gonzalo; his tears run down his beard, like winter’s drops” ” that is you now beheld them, your affections would become tender”
Ariel implies empathy is what makes you fundamentally human he flatters Prospero’s emotions and makes him recognise his humanity ” mine would, sir, were I human ” – Prospero as a result recognises the importance of the reconnection to his humanity= he must give up magic ” break my staff” ” my charms i’ll break, their senses i’ll restore, and they be themselves” – ” the rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance”
Prospero to Antonio in the final scene- to some extent forgives ” I here could pluck his highness’s frown upon you and justify you traitors”instead” I do forgive thy rankest fault”
Ferdinand and Miranda offer hope for the future ” o brave new world that has such people in ‘t'” – MirandaGonzalo- ” and on this couple drop a blessed crown”
Caliban returns to be servile towards Prospero – he is a victim of colonialism= ” I’ll be wise hereafter, and seek for grace” ” I shall be pinched to death”
Prospero’s concluding lines ” I’ll deliver all, and promise you calm seas, auspicious gales” Ariel is finally freed- ” my Ariel, chick” ” then to the elements be free, and fare thou well”