Soliloquy and Figures of Speech in Romeo and Juliet, Part 4

Read the lines from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.Romeo: Thou wast never with me for anything when thou wast not here for the goose.Mercutio: I will bite thee by the ear for that jest.Romeo: Nay, good goose, bite not.How does the wordplay in these lines affect the mood? The play on words creates a light-hearted mood as Romeo teasingly compares Mercutio to a goose.
Review the lines from Act II, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet.Juliet: ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy;Thou art thyself though, not a Montague.What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O! be some other name:What’s in a name? that which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet;The purpose of this speech is to illustrate Juliet’s Notwish that Romeo belonged to another family.
Read the dialogue found in Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.Romeo: Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you?Mercutio: The slip, sir, the slip; can you not conceive?Romeo: Pardon, good Mercutio, my business was great; and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy.Mercutio: That’s as much as to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams.Romeo: Meaning—to curtsy.Mercutio: Thou hast most kindly hit it.Romeo: A most courteous exposition.Mercutio: Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.How does the wordplay in these lines affect the mood? It creates a mischievous mood as Mercutio and Romeo banter about Romeo’s disappearance.
A soliloquy is used in drama to allow the audience direct access to a character’s feelings.
Review Friar Laurence’s soliloquy in Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.Which statements about Friar Laurence’s soliloquy are true? Check all that apply. NotFriar Laurence provides advice for cooking with herbs.Friar Laurence explains to the audience his use for herbs.Friar Laurence describes to the audience his role as friar.
A joke that is a play on words is a pun
Read the lines from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.Mercutio: Where the devil should this Romeo be?Came he not home to-night?Benvolio: Not to his father’s; I spoke with his man.Mercutio: Why that same pale hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline,Torments him so, that he will sure run mad.Benvolio: Tybalt, the kinsman of old Capulet,Hath sent a letter to his father’s house.Which plot detail adds to the suspenseful mood? NotRosaline is the source of Romeo’s pain.
Mood is the ________created by a text. emotion
Read the exchange between Romeo and Nurse in Act II, scene iv of Romeo and Juliet.Romeo: Bid her devise Some means to come to shrift this afternoon;And there she shall at Friar Laurence’ cell,Be shriv’d and married. Here is for thy pains.Nurse: No, truly, sir; not a penny.Romeo: Go to; I say, you shall.Nurse: This afternoon, sir? well, she shall be there.Which plot detail adds to the mood of anticipation?Which plot detail adds to the mood of anticipation? NotNurse refuses to take money from Romeo.
Puns were used by Shakespeare to add humor or hidden meanings to a scene.