Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

augmenting v. adding to; increasing
bliss n. eternal happiness
despair v. lose all hope or confidence
endure v. tolerate; put up with
foes n. enemies; opponents
foolish adj. small; unimportant
quarrel n. an argument
quench v. extinguish; put out
tormented v. inflicted with pain or torture
valiant adj. strong and worthy of honor
vile adj. wicked; disgusting
woe n. deep sorrow; grief
cease v. to put an end or stop to something
conjure v. to call upon
desire n. a wish; want
excels v. far exceeds; does better
frank adj. upfront and candid
gracious adj. exceedingly polite, elegant, or divine
haste n. great speed, especially when time is short
heir n. a person who inherits or is entitled to the property of another
infinite adj. never-ending; without limits
inquire v. ask about
ests v. makes fun of; jokes
vanity n. excessive pride, especially about oneself
brawl n. a fist-fight or quarrel
effeminate adj. like a lady; feminine
eloquence n. the ability to speak expressively and persuasively
exiled v. removed forcibly from one’s home country or place of residence
gallant adj. courteous and thoughtful, especially toward women
garish adj. overly showy or decorated
merciful adj. showing mercy or compassion
plague n. an outbreak of serious disease that kills
predicament n. a difficult problem or situation
reconcile v. to make amends
submission n. willingness to yield or surrender
vengeance n. punishment in return for a wrong; revenge
array n. fine, expensive clothes
bear v. to carry off; transport
beguile v. to deceive or trick
dismal adj. depressing or hopeless
distraught adj. extremely upset or depressed
•6. lament v. to express great sadness or grief
•7. martyr n. one who is put to death for a cause
•8. pensive adj. lost in thought
•9. pestilent adj. able to cause death or destruction
•10. shroud n. a burial cloth
•11. solace n. comfort and support from emotional distress
•12. treacherous adj. ready to betray someone’s confidence or trust
•1. aloof adj. at a distance
•2. ambiguities n. situations or matters that are unclear or confusing
•3. apprehend v. to hold and keep close
•4. flattering adj. complimentary; with great praise
•5. impeach v. to make an accusation
•6. meager adj. unsatisfactorily small
•7. morsel n. a small piece of food
•8. poverty n. the state of being very poor
•9. prosperous adj. full of good fortune
•10. provoke v. cause a problem
•11. sepulcher n. a vault in which a corpse is buried
•12. will n. ability to make decisions; desire
Lit Elements conflict, point of view, theme, characterization, etc
Lit Technique metaphor, simile, personification, symbolism
Oxymoron a figure of speech that combines normally contradictory terms
Foreshadowing gives you a glimpse of what will happen
Lit Language refers to words that do not deviate from their defined meaning.
Figurative Language (Both element and technique) refers to words and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meaning of the components or words -may involve analogy to similar concepts or other context that involves exaggeration
Metaphor using one idea/thing in place of another to suggest likeness between them
Simile use like or as to compare two dissimilar things
Personification to give an object/thing human characteristics
Hyperbole extravagant exaggeration used as a figure of speech
Genre a specific form of literature (Fiction, Non-Fiction, dramatic literature, creative nonfiction
Drama works of literature meant to be performed on stage or read as a performance
Plot a sequence of events of which a story is composed
Exposition sets the stage, gives info about the plot and characters
Rising action tension builds; we get drawn in
Turning point conflicts and complications reach a clinical point
Falling action it all comes clear
Resolution conflict is resolved (Not always in a good way)
Obligatory scene cliché endings
Flat characters shallow and simple (stereotypical)
Stock Characters standard roles
Major Characters leads/stars
Minor Characters supporting roles
Dialogue exchange of words between two or more characters
Action must be meaningful and important to the story
Dramatic action advance in plot
Theme central concept of the story
Characterization technique by which an author develops characters
Direct Characterization is when the author or narrator directly tells the reader what the character is like
Indirect Characterization allows the reader to draw their own conclusion