Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

Pernicious adjective: Deadly; tending to cause death or injury (“Your pernicious rage”)
Fray noun: Fight, brawl, heated dispute (“He was not at this fray”)
Covert noun: A covered place, shelter, hiding place; thick underbrush (“Into the covert of the wood”)
Augument verb: To increase in size (“augmenting the fresh mornings dew”)
Portentous adjective: Foreboding; ominous; suggesting oncoming evil (“Black and portentous”)
Importune verb: To ask for urgently or repeatedly (“Have you importuned him”)
Tyrannous adjective: despotic; exerting absolute power (“Be so tyrannous and rough”)
Transgression noun: A violation of a law, command, or duty (“Such is love’s transgression”)
Propagate verb: To cause something to multiply or breed (“Thou will propagate with more”)
Consequence noun: A result; something that logically or natural that follows an action (“some consequence yet hanging in the stars”)
Scorn verb: To regard someone with contempt or distain (“To scorn at our solemnity”)
Solemnity noun: A solemn observance or proceeding
Access noun: A means of approaching or entering (“he may not have access”)
Conjure verb: To summon, using magical or supernatural powers (“I must conjure him”)
Invocation noun: An appeal to a higher power (“My invocation is fair and honest”)
Enmity noun: deep hatred (“Protected against their enmity”)
Perjury noun: Deliberately false testimony (“Jove laughs at lovers’ perjuries”)
Martial adjective: Relating to war (“With martial scorn”)
Eloquence noun: Persuasive, powerful speech (“Romeo’s name speaks heavenly eloquence”)
Lamentation noun: The act of expressing grief or regret (“Which lamentation might have moved”)
Usurer noun: One who lends money at an excessively high interest rate (“Like a usurer”)
Shrift noun: Confession to a priest (“I would thou were so happy by thy stay to hear true shrift”)
Trencher noun: A wooden board or platter on which food is served (“He shift a trencher”)
Stinted verb: To restrict or limit (“It stinted and said aye”)
Anon adverb: At another time; later (“Anon, anon”)
Wherefore adverb: For what purpose, why (“Wherefore art thou Romeo”)
Bawdy adjective: Humorously coarse