Romeo and Juliet Review Puzzle

Tybalt “what drawn, andtalk to peace! I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee”
Tragedy a play in which the main character suffers a downfall
Paris a young count and relative of the Prince, man juliet is supposed to marry, man of wax
Torch Bearer at the Caulet’s party, Romeo would rather be one of these because he doesn’t feel like dancing
Samson servant of the Capulets; he and Gregory inadvertently renew the feud
Foil a character who provides a contrast of another character. Tybalt is one to Romeo
Escalus prince of Verona
Maiden head means “verginity”
Capulet Juliet’s family name
Oxymoron “Dove-feather’d raven!” an example of what
Lady Montague “saw you Romeo today? Right glad I am he was not at this fray”
Tragic Flaw a character’s personality trait that leads to his or her downfall
Comic Relief a scene intended to ease the tension of a serious play
Kats Mercutio call Tybalt the Prince of ______.
Romeo “o, She doth teach the torches to burn bright”
Friar Laurence “in one repect i’ll thy assistance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancor to pure love”
Soliloquy a speech made by a character who is alone on stage
Quarantine Friar Laurence’s messanger who couldn’y deliver the message to Romeo because the messenger was in this
Balthasar Romeo’s servant who brings to him the news of Juliets “death”
Benvolio Nephew of Lord Montague, good friend to Romeo, name means good will
Star Crossed adjective used in the Prologue to describe the ill-fated Romeo and Juliet
Wednesday Lord Capulet moves the wedding (Paris & Juliet) to this day thereby affecting Juliet’s plan
Grave Mercutio makes a pun of this word as he dies
Rosaline young girl Romeo believes he loves before meeting Juliet
Nurse Juliet’s advisor, odd woman who has cared for Juliet since her birth
Juliet “Good pilgrim you do wrong your hands too much”
Rose “that which we call a _____ / by any othr name would smell as sweet.”
13 Juliets age
Grief the cause of Lady Montague’s death
Lord Capulet “Hang, beg, starve, die in the streets!”
Mantua town to which Romeo flees to avoid the death penalty
Poison Romeo used this to kill himself
Mag Queen of the fairies described at length by Mercutio
Bird type of pet Juliet wishes she could make of Romeo and thus keep him near her
Apothicary a person who makes and sells medicine and drugs, Romeo got the poison from this person
Ring object Juliet askes the Nurse to give Romeo after he killed Tybalt
Chorus “two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean”
Dramatic Irony a disconnect between what a character believes to be true and what the audience knows to be true
Verbal Irony occurs when the speaker means something different than what he or she says
Banishment prince substituted this punishment for that of Romeo’s death
Death when Lord Capulet sees Juliet in her Death-like sleep, he says that Paris will not be her groom because because Juliet has married _______.
Prince Escalus “See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, that heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. and I, for winking at your discords too, have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished.”
Lark songbird
Mercutio “a scratch, a scratch, Marry, ’tis enough”
Verona Primary setting of the play
Friar John Name of the Frair who was unable to deliver Friar Lawrence’s message to Romeo
Consort Word refers to either mean “a group of musicians” or a word that means “to hang out with”
Aside A speech made by a character that can’t be heard by other characters on stage
Montague Romeo’s family name
Woe “For never was a story of more _____/ then this of Juliet nd her Romeo”
Dagger Juliet used this to kill herself
Pun A humorous play on a word that has one meaning or two words that sound similar but have different meanings.