Romeo and Juliet Final Review

What is the main purpose of the prologue to Shakespeare’s play? To set the scene for the play as a whole
In Act 1, which of the following best describes Tybalt’s personality Aggressive
In Act 1, Scene 5, why does Capulet allow Romeo to remain at the feast? Capulet will not allow a well-mannered guest to be insulted in his home.
In Act 5, Scene 1, what message does Balthasar report to Romeo? Juliet is dead and has been laid to rest in Capulets’ tomb
In Act 5, scene 1, after hearing Balthasar’s news, what method does Romeo decide on for committing suicide? He will poison himself
In Act 5, Scene 2, why is Friar Lawrence upset when he learns that Friar John has not yet been to Mantua? He realizes that the failure of his message to reach Romeo may have disastrous effects
In Scene 3, what motivates Paris to visit the churchyard at night? His wish to spy on Romeo
In the play’s last lines, what hint does the Prince give about what will happen to the surviving characters? Some people will be rewarded, but others will be punished.
What does the prologue foreshadow? The deaths of Romeo and Juliet
The setting of Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet is in what city? Verona
What obstacles to Romeo and Juliet’s relationship are already apparent in Act 1? The families’ rivalry and Capulet’s desire for Juliet to marry Paris
In Act 2, Benvolio’s and Mercutio’s sociablitiy helps to emphasize Romeo’s Moodiness
In agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence shows that he Looks beyond the immediate event
In Act 3, Scene 1, Romeo is motivated to kill Tybalt because Tybalt has killed Mercutio
In an aside, a character speaks to the audience while other characters are on stage
Why does Juliet refer to the nurse as a”most wicked fiend”? because the nurse advises juliet to marry Paris
In Act I, Scene 1, who are Sampson and Gregory? servants of the Capulets
In these lines from Act I, what is the Prince’s message? “If ever you disturb our streets again,Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.” Those who fight will pay with their lives if there are further disturbances
Choose the item that best restates Capulet’s response to Paris’s request to marry Juliet.”But woo her gentle Paris, get her heart,My will to her consent is but a part,And she agreed within her scope of choiceLies my consent and fair according voice.” Win her heart so I can grant my consent rather than forcing her hand
How does Romeo explain his reluctance to go to the Capulet party? He has a premonition of his own death
What point does Juliet make when she speaks these lines?”What’s in a name? That which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet” She loves Romeo even though he is a Montague
In Act II, Benvolio and Mercutio are concerned about the letter that has arrived at Romeo’s father’s house because they doubt romeo’s ability to win a duel with tybalt
In Shakespearian drama, characters who do not speak in blank verse are likely to be servants
In what important way is Romeo’s love for Juliet different from his love for Rosaline? Juliet returns Romeo’s love
Why does Friar Lawrence advise Romeo to “love moderately”? He assumes there will be trouble between the families because of the marriage and does not want Romeo to forget that
in Act II, which of the following is the most important development in the plot of the play? The decision by Romeo and Juliet to get marriesd
Which of the following best describes the personality of Mercutio? fanciful
In the following speech by Juliet, what is “summer’s ripening breath?”This bud of love, by summer’s ripening breath,May prove a beauteous flow’r when next we meet” The heat of the sun
Which event is foreshadowed by Benvolio’s remarks to Mercutio? the fight in which mercutio and tybalt are killed
After he is wounded, Mercutio says to Romeo, “Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm.” Which of the following best describes Mercutios’ words? Why did you interfere? Your arm allowed him to stab me.
When Juliet is alone in her room anticipating her wedding night with Romeo, her long speech is called soliloquy
Which of the words best explains the meaning of the word “fray” in the Prince’s line””Where are the vile beginners of this fray?” fight
The Prince declares he will exile Romeo for the murder of Tybalt. Which word is a synonym for exile? banish
After Tybalt’s death, Lady Capulet reacts to Benvolio’s description of the fight and says, “he is kinsman to the Montague. Affection makes him false, he speaks not true.” What best describes Lady Capulet’s words about Benvolio? Benvolio is a relative of the Montague family. His love and loyalty toward them makes him lie
When Juliet says “O serpent heart, hid with a flow’ring face….just opposite to what though justly seem’st…a damned saint, an honorable villain” she is responding to which event? Romeo killing Tybalt
Which of the following correctly defines “Dramatic irony”? a contradiction between what a character things and says and what the audience or reader knows is true
In act IV, Scene 1, Friar Lawrence outlines his plan to help Juliet in her desperate situation. Which of the following are important elements in this plan? a powerful potion and a message to Romeo
Which of the following facts that we have learned about Friar Lawrence earlier in the play takes on new, important meaning in Act IV? he is an expert on the uses of herbs and plants
At the beginning of Act IV, Scene ii, Capulet orders a servant to hire twenty skillful cooks for the marriage feast. Read the following dialogue:Servingman: You shall have none ill, sir, for I’ll try if they can lick their fingersCapulet: How canst thou try them so?Servingman: Marry, sir, ’tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers. Therefore, he that cannot lick his fingers goes not with me. Which of the following does this passage illustrate? comic relief
In Act IV, Scene ii, when Capulet learns that Juliet apparently agrees to the wedding with Paris, what decision does he make? to advance the date of the wedding from Thursday to Wednesday
In her soliloquy soon after the beginning of Scene iii, on which of the following does Juliet dwell? her fear of what may happen when she awakens in the tomb.
Read the following passage from Juliet’s soliloquy in Scene iii:What if it be a poison which the friarSubtly hath minist’red to have me dead,Lest in this marriage he should be dishonoredBecause he married me before to Romeo?If you want to summarize this passage, what should you do? Break down the long sentence into shorter ones
Which of the following correctly defines a pun? a play on words involving a word with multiple meanings
When you summarize a text, what do you do? briefly state the main points
In Act IV, Scene v, when Friar Lawrence enters he says “Come” is the bride ready to go to church?” Why is this line dramatically ironic? He knows that Juliet has fallen into deep sleep that resembles death
In Act V, Scene i, what message does Balthasar report to Romeo? Juliet is dead and buried in her family crypt.
In Scene ii, why is Friar Lawrence upset when he learns that Friar John has not yet been to Mantua? He realizes that the failure of his message to reach Romeo may have disastrous effects
In Scene iii, what motivates Paris to visit the churchyard at night? his grief over Juliet’s death
In Scene iii, Romeo addresses Paris. Read the following passage:By heaven, I love thee better than myself,For I come hither armed against myself.Stay not, be gone. Live, and hereafter sayA madman’s mercy bid thee run awayWhat “madman” does Romeo refer to in this passage? Romeo himself
Which of the following statements correctly describes a tragic hero? The tragic hero, who is of noble stature, meets with disaster or great misfortune, usually due to fate, a character flaw, or a combination of both
Dramatic irony arises when a character on stage is not aware of something the audience or reader knows to be true. Why are the following lines of Romeo in Act V, Scene iii dramatically ironic?Death, that has sucked the honey of they breath,Hath had no power yet upon thy beautyThou art not conquered. Beauty’s ensign yetIs crimson in they lips and in they cheeks,And death’s pale flag is not advanced there. Unknown to Romeo, Juliet is not really dead
According to Montague in Act V, Scene iii, what is the cause of Lady Montague’s death? grief over Romeo’s exile
What causes Friar Lawrence to go to the churchyard in Act V? His message to Romeo was not delivered, so he has to assist Juliet when she wakes.
Which of the following most nearly expresses Romeo’s character flaw? Impulsiveness