Romeo and Juliet Crossword Puzzle

My life is my ____’s debt foe
A ____ on both your houses plague
Romeo’s father Montague
Juliet kills herself with Romeo’s _____ dagger
A ____, a ____! Why call you for your sword? crutch
We are ____, lady, we are ____ undone
Capulet’s favored suitor for Juliet Paris
Servant to Romeo Balthasar
Author; playwright Shakespeare
Romeo kills him to avenge his friend’s death Tybalt
He kills himself when he thinks Juliet is dead Romeo
What light through yonder ____ breaks window
She refused Romeo’s love and caused his depression Rosaline
Play division act
Predestined future fate
He agrees to marry Romeo & Juliet; Friar ____ Lawrence
Act division scene
He explains the circumstances of Tybalt’s death Benvolio
He is slain by Tybalt Mercutio
____ is my son-in-law; ____ is my heir death
Both Paris and Romeo want to marry her Juliet
He gives a feast to introduce Juliet to bachelors Capulet
Romeo drinks it and dies poison
Sends Romeo into exile Prince
That which we call a ____ by any other name would smell as sweet rose
Romeo climbs over the wall surrounding Capulet’s ____ orchard
She wants the Prince to execute Romeo; ____ Capulet Lady
Parting is such sweet ____ sorrow
Servant of the Capulets Sampson
Paris is a nobleman from this place Verona
Me thins I see thee…as one dead in the bottom of a ____ tomb
Juliet’s servant and mentor nurse