Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Test Review

Who is visiting Friar Laurence when Juliet arrives? Paris
What does Juliet threaten to do if she is forced to marry Paris? kill herself
How many hours is Friar Laurence’s sleeping potion supposed to last? 42 hours
How will Romeo be told Juliet is not dead? By whom? Friar Laurence will write a letter to Romeo. Friar John will deliver it.
What change does Capulet make in the wedding plans (be specific)? The wedding is moved from Thursday to Wednesday morning.
What day(s) of the week is (are) covered in Act Four? Tuesday-Wednesday morning
“Be not so long to speak; I long to die,/If what thouspeak’st speak not of remedy.” Juliet-if Friar Lawrence doesn’t have a plan, she will kill herself
“Now when the bridegroom in the morning comes/Torouse thee from thy bed, there art thou – dead.” Friar Laurence-he tells Juliet of the plan for after she drinks the vial/Paris will find her dead when he goes to wake her up
“Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again./I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins . . .” Juliet-she may never see her mother again depending how the potion works
“Death is my son-in-law, Death is my heir;/ Mydaughter he hath wedded. I will die,/And leave him all.” Lord Capulet after Juliet died-Juliet is the only heir-Juliet married death (died) and death is the only heir
inundation to cover with a flood; to overflow
arbitrating deciding, determining, judging
culled selected
solace comfort
dirges gloomy funeral music