Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 3-4

Very late on Monday night What day is it in Scene 3?
After the murders, Romeo ran to hide in Friar Laurence’s cell. Where did Romeo run to hide after the murder of Tybalt?
Romeo would rather die than be banished from Verona How does he react to the news that he is banished from Verona?
The Friar Who tells him that the Prince has banished him?
The thought of not seeing or touching Juliet ever again bothers Romeo the most What upsets Romeo the most about being banished?
three reasons for being happy: Juliet is alive; he is alive, and he is only banished not killed. The Friar gives three reasons that Romeo should be happy. What were they?
Ring What does the Nurse give to Romeo?
Juliet’s bed chamber before daybreak and go to Mantua. Where is Romeo to go before daybreak?
Has arranged for Juliet to marry Paris on Thursday. On what day does Lord Capulet plan for Juliet to be married to Paris?
Lady Capulet Who is to tell Juliet the “good news” concerning her future marriage to Paris?