Romeo and Juliet

iambic pentameter a common meter in poetry consisting of an unrhymed line with five feet or accents, each foot containing an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable. Example: “The which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend”
couplet two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. Example: “The wich if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend”
oxymoron Example: “Beautiful Tyrant! Fiend angelical! Dove-feathered raven! Wolvish-ravening lamb!”,
pun a humorous play on words. Example: Tybalt: “Mercutio, thou consortest with Romeo.” Mercutio: “Consort? What, dost thou make us mistrels?”
alliteration use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse. Example: “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes”
similie comparison of two unlike things using like or as. Example: “…so tedious the day as in the night before some festival to an impatient child that hath new robes and may not wear them”
imagery language that appeals to the senses. Example: Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical! Dove-feathered raven! Wolvish-ravening lamb!
hyperbole a figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion, make a point, or evoke humor. Example: “…Caliing death “banished,” THou cut’st my head off with a golden ax and smilest upon the stroke that murders me”
metaphor Example: “O, I have bought the mansion of a love, But not possessed; and though am sold, Not yet enjoyed…” , a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity
reptition repeating words, phrases, lines or groups of lines in a poem. Example: “I have no joy in the contract tonight. It is too rash, too uadvised, too sudden;”
personification representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature. Example: “Death is my son-in-law, Death is my heir; My daughter he hath wedded”
Assonance the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words. Example: Rage, hate, pain
Extended metaphor The comparison between two things is continued beyond the first point of comparison. This extends and deepens a description.
Soliloquy in drama, a character speaks alone on stage to allow his/her thoughts and ideas to be conveyed to the audience
Tragedy has omens and dreams, contrasts that provide insight into tragic events and characters (light and dark), references to fate and predestination, sense of foreboding, tragic errors that can’t be corrected.
consonance the repetition of the final consonant sounds or sounds following different vowel sounds in proximate words (made, ride, abode)