Othello Vocabulary

Abhor Verb; to hate; Sentence: Iago claims to abhor Othello.
Beguile Verb; to trick, to mislead, or to persuade with charm; Sentence: Desdemona doesn’t try to beguile any men because she’s already married to Othello
Castigation Noun; being punished by words, punished verbally; Sentence: Desdemona is constantly being dissed by castigation from society.
Engendered Verb; to make happen or cause; Sentence:
Ensnare Verb; to take or catch in a trap-like way; Sentence: Roderigo wishes he can ensnare Desdemona so she can be with him, but she’s already taken by Othello.
Facile Adjective; completing easily and without effort; Sentence: Iago’s plan will not be completed facile.
Iniquity Noun; a sin or evil act; Sentence: It seems as though everything Iago does is an iniquity.
Insolent Adjective; Disrespectful, very rude; Sentence: The other characters in Othello tend to treat Desdemona in an Insolent way.
Lasciviously Adverb; with sexual thoughts; Sentence: Desdemona and Othello don’t seem to think about each other lasciviously.
Obsequious Adjective; overly attentive; Sentence: Everyone who Othello talks to is Obsequious and interested in everything he says.
Odious Adjective; hateful; Sentence: Although Roderigo does feel jealous of Othello that he has Desdemona, he’s not odious towards him.
Palpable Adjective; can be touched or felt; Sentence: The personalities of characters in Othello are palpable.
Pernicious Adjective; extremely harmful, can be deadly or fatal; Sentence: The battles that Othello fights in are pernicious.
Timorous Adjective; fearful or timid; Sentence: Desdemona is not thought of in a Timorous manner.
Visage Noun; a facial expression; Sentence: I bet Iago’s visage is pretty scary and evil.