Othello quotes LOVE-Romance, Arrogance, Lust, Jealousy, Insanity,

“Her father loved me” Act 1 scene 3 (Arrogance) Othello isn’t shy of being popular. Confident.
“I won his daughter’ Act 1 scene 3 (Arrogance) ‘Won’ makes it seem inevitable as a general Othello doesn’t lose battles.
“She loved me for the dangers I had passed” Act 1 scene 3 (Arrogance) A lot of pronoun i and me show his arrogance.
“My parts, my titles and my perfect soul” Act 1 scene 2 (Arrogance) Personal pronouns, parts could have sexual reference or his possessions etc, titles is his reputation and soul are the things that are important to him.
“Yet she must die else she’ll betray more men” Act 5 scene 2(Pride) Injured pride she must die for damaging his pride.
“Reputation, reputation, reputation! Oh, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!”(Pride) In this context, is a word synonymous with pride. Pride can be seen as a fatal flaw with many in Othello.
“To please the palate of my appetite” Act 1 Scene 3 (Lust) Othello is sexually hungry for Desdemona
“The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue: that profit’s yet to come ‘tween me and you” Act 2 Scene 2 (Lust) Purchase/transaction-Desdemona an object. Male control-patriarchal society. Fruits=sweet and potential garden of eden foreshadowing the couples demise. Fruit also show that something will grow and bloom.
“Come away to bed…Come Desdemona” (Lust) Repetition of ‘come’ emphasises lust for each other.
“Oh misery!” Act 3 scene 3 p8 (Jealousy) Emphasises Othello’s jealousy and emotional pain. Emphatic ‘oh’ used throughout Othello, indicates broken speech, thus mind, thus broken society- natural order broken common feature.
“O beware, my lord, of jealousy: It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meet it feeds on” Act 3 scene 3 p8 (Jealousy) Envy growing in Othello. Othello’s metaphoric and literal view (green eyes) have tarnished how he see’s Desdemona. Very important quote – Iago manipulating Othello.
“Lie with her? Lie on her? ‘We say lie on her’ when they belie her” Act 4 Scene 1 p3 (Jealousy) Repetition of lie highlights the two sets of lies she’s supposedly committed. lying to Othello and physically lying in bed with Cassio. Belie suggests falseness is a contradiction to what Othello believed her to be- he’s extremely disappointed.
“This is a subtle w##re, A closet, lock and key, of villainous secrets: And yet she’ll kneel and pray, I have seen her do it” (Jealousy) Othello now using slanderous terms to describe her contrasting to what he used to call her pure etc.
‘I’d rather be a toad than to only have a part of someone I love, sharing the rest of her with others” Act 3 scene 3 (Jealousy) Animal imagery, wont share Desdemona. Links to how Brabantio felt.
“Let nobody scorn him: His scorn I approve” Act 4 Scene 3 p3 Desdemona- Loyal to him when he doesn’t deserve it
“Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe” Act 1 Scene 1 p4 (Loyalty) Animal imagery used by Iago to provoke Brabantio past his limits. Othello described as a horse and old having sex with his pure daughter. Disloyalty from Othello.
If heaven would make me such another world of one entire and perfect chrysolite, I’d not have sold her for it” Near the end of play. Othello realising the value and love that was real for Desdemona which he has ruined.
410[Falls on the bed, and dies] (Loyalty) Othello shows loyalty as he kills himself next to her. Willingness to end his life as hers is over. parallel to Romeo and Juliet.
An honourable murderer, if you will, For naught I did in hate but all in honour” Act 5 scene 2 line 291 (Loyalty) He has a strange loyalty in his mind, perhaps he is trying to save his pride or even Desdemona from stopping her from further scandals if thats what she’s done.
“O,o,O!” Act 5 Scene 2(Insanity) Emphatic ‘oh’ used throughout Othello, indicates broken speech, thus mind, thus broken society- natural order broken common feature.
“My wife! My wife! What Wife?” Act 5 Scene 2 (Insanity) Repetition of personal pronoun My. Repetition Wife creates alliteration of ‘w’ + exclamation creates a tone of confusion after his seizures etc.
“Devil! [Strikes her]” Act 4 Scene 2 Shocking to audience. Shows he is losing control of himself. He’s lost his gentlemen traits and his goodness. Out of character.
“Roast me in sulphur! Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire!” Act 5 scene 2 line 275 (Insanity) Seeing visions of hell
”For she had eyes and chose me” Act 3 scene 3 p9 (Romance) Their love bloomed in a natural way and it was a joint decision.
“My life upon her faith” Act 1 scene 3 p12 (Romance) Othello seeming very sure of his love for her. Also foreshadows that his life and her faithfulness are linked. His life ends because he is confused of her loyalty etc.
“O my fair warrior!” “My dear Othello” (Romance) Exaggeration of their love overly romantic language.