Othello-Characters, conflicts and themes

Othello Protagonist General of Venice
Desdemona Wife of Othello daughter of Brabantio.
Iago -Foil of Othello-Liar, cheat, wants Michael Cassio’s jobHates Othello for sleeping with his wife (not sure about this though stated in book , but not verified)-Greatest Villain in English Lit
Emilia Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s attendant. A cynical, worldly woman, she is deeply attached to her mistress and distrustful of her husband.
Rodrigo – A jealous suitor of Desdemona. Young, rich, and foolish, Roderigo is convinced that if he gives Iago enough money, Iago will help him win Desdemona’s hand. Repeatedly frustrated as Othello marries Desdemona and then takes her to Cyprus, Roderigo is ultimately desperate enough to agree to help Iago kill Cassio after Iago points out that Cassio is another potential rival for Desdemona.
Bianca A courtesan, or prostitute, in Cyprus. Bianca’s favorite customer is Cassio, who teases her with promises of marriage.
Brabantio Desdemona’s father, a somewhat blustering and self-important Venetian senator. As a friend of Othello, Brabantio feels betrayed when the general marries his daughter in secret.
Lodovico One of Brabantio’s kinsmen, Lodovico acts as a messenger from Venice to Cyprus. He arrives in Cyprus in Act IV with letters announcing that Othello has been replaced by Cassio as governor.
Montano The governor of Cyprus before Othello. We see him first in Act II, as he recounts the status of the war and awaits the Venetian ships.
Main Symbol -Handkerchief- This handkerchief is passed on to Othello by his mother, and he gives it to Desdemona as a sign of love. Taken from Desdemona by the wife of Iago, Emilia, who gives it to Iago who uses it drive Othello crazy with jealousy.
Setting Begins in Cyprus, and resolves in Venice.
Climax of Othello Confrontation between Othello, Iago, and Cassio arises and Desdemona is killed by Othello. Iago is found out and taken prisoner by the new general Cassio ;who is nominated by Othello after he kills himself for the wrong doing.
Theme 1 Even innocent deception, Desdemona marrying Othello behind her father’s back, leads to tragedy. First deception undermines her credibility with Othello who now believes her capable of deceiving him also.
Theme 2 Outsider (intruder) interrupts order and peace. Breaking tribal rules leads to destruction.
Jealousy Motif Iago tells Othello to watch out for Jealousy “the green-eyed monster that rules out the worst in men”.
man vs man conflicts Othello vs Iago, Iago vs Cassio, Iago vying with Desdemona for the loyalty of Emilia, Brabantio vs Othello.
man vs society Othello the black Moor vs Venetian white society. Desdemona rebelling against societal expectations to marry a venetian nobleman.
internal conflict Othello struggles as an outsider to see himself worthy of Desdemona. Concludes he is not and jealousy overtakes him.