Othello Act I

In Act I, scene ii, Iago says he almost stabbed _____ because of the awful things he said about Othello. Roderigo
When Brabantio enters the inn to confront Othello, he and Roderigo draw their swords. Who tells them to put their swords away? Othello
The play opens up with Iago in mid conversation with: Roderigo
Who is the speaker of this quote: “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: She has deceived her father, and may thee.” Roderigo
Who is the speaker of this quote: “Virtue! A fig! ‘Tis in ourselves that we are thus, or thus.” Iago
When Brabantio wants to discuss his problem, the Duke: gives Brabantio the time to speak because of his high ranking in society
Othello is going off to war, and Desdemona will: Go with Othello
Desdemona decides that her first loyalty is to: her husband
The last half of the act takes place at: the Duke’s chambers
Iago has just been named Othello’s Ancient or “flag carrier,” but the job he really wanted was: Lieutenant
The Duke summons Othello because of trouble in: Cyprus
Who is the speaker of this quote: “I hate the Moor.” Iago
Who is the speaker of this quote: “My life upon her faith!” Brabantio
Who is the speaker of this quote: “I’ll sell all my land.” Roderigo
Iago tells Brabantio he has been robbed of his: daughter