The messengar tekls Leonato someone will be arriving in Messina. Who is coming? Don Pedro and all of his soliders.
Beatrice questions the messenger about someone. Who? Benedick
Describe Beatrice’s greeting to benedick She’s rude and insulting
According to Leonato, who is fighting a “merry war”? Benedick and Beatrice
How long do Don Pedro and his company plan on staying? 1 month
Who is Don John? Don Pedro’s half brother (an illigetimate child)
Who catches Claudio’s eye? Hero
What is it that Benedick swears will never happen to him? He will never get married
Where does Claudio say he has spent time before coming to Messina? Fighting in the War
What does Don Pedro intend to do for Claudio? Woo Hero for him
Who is Antonio? Leonato’s Brother
What does Antonio claim to have learned from one of his servants? Someone is going to try to woo hero
What is Leonatos reaction to the news regarding Don Perdo’s wooing of his daughter? He’s in favor of it and notifies hero
What are Don Johns true feeling of Don Pedro? He hates him
Who is Boracchio? A friend of Don Johns
What news does Boracchio bring to Don John? Claudio wants Hero and Don Pedro will woo her for him
What does Don John plan to do regarding Claudio and Hero? Why? He wants to ruin their relationship to spite his brother.
Who does Leonatoo notice is not at supper that evening? Don John
For what does Beatrice say she is thankful to God every nigh? That she’s not married
Where does Beatrice say that, as an unmarried woman, she will go? First to Hell then to Heaven
What kind of party is Leonato hosting? Masquerade party
How does Beatrice further insult Benedick at the party? She insults him to his face, not knowing its him
How does Don John feed false information to Claudio? They talk to Claudio pretending to think its Benedick
Who does Claudio become angry with after Don John shares what he has “heard”? Don Pedro
What hint does Beatrice drop about the possible reason for her treatment of benedick? He broke her heart
What news does Don Pedro bring to Claudio? He wooed Hero for him, and they can marry
What plan does Don Pedro begin to concoct? They will get Beatrice and Benedick to marry
What plan does Boracchio devise that pleases Don John Make Hero appear Asa prostitute to fool Claudio
What does Don John promise Boracchio is he is able to pull it off, 1,000 Ducats
What information does Don John day he is going to obtain? The date of the wedding
Why does Benedick send a servant to retrieve a book from his room? So he could be alone to think
Baldrick A wide belt worn over the right shoulder to support a sword or a bugle by the left hip
Banquet A ceremonial meal
Bullock A castrated bull; a young bull
Cleave To split with or as if with a sharp instrument
Crotchet An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion
Disdain Intense scorn
Disparage To criticize, mock or belittle
Disposition Personality; behavioral tendencies
Drover One that drives cattle or sheep
Ducat Any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries
Embassage An embassy
Enamor To inspire with love; captivate
Endow To provide with property, income or a source of income
Enfranchised To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to bote
Epitaphs An inscription on a tomb of a gravestone in memory
Flout To show contempt for; scorn; flout a law; behavior that flouted a convention
Haggard Appearing worn and exhausted
Impediment Bar, barrier, hurdle, hindrance
Lief Readily; willingly; gladly; gain
Melancholy Feeling of causing pensive sadness
Mirth Laughter
Misprize To despise
Orthography The art of study of correct spelling according to established usage
Perturbation The act of being disturbed or troubled
Pleach To plait or interlace, especially in making a hedge or an arbor
Poniard A dagger typically having a slender square or traigulsr blade
Predestinate Established or prearranged unalterably
Reproach To accuse of and blame for a fault so as to make feel ashamed; rebuke
Revelling Taking great pleasure or delight; engaging in uproarious festivities
Rite The prescribed or customary form for conducting a religious or other solemn ceremony
Shrewd Good at judging people or situations; crafty
Tabor Small drum
Usurer One who lends money at interest, especially at an exorbitant or unlawfully high rate
Valor The qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional of heroic courage when facing danger
Victual Food fit for human consumption
Vile Loathsome; disgusting; Vile language