Macbeth Test Multiple Choice

What style of English did Shakespeare write Macbeth in?a. Old Englishb. Early Modern Englishc. Modern Englishd. post-modern english b. early modern english
what does the word Thane mean?a. kingb. princec. lordd. mister c. lord
what did shakespeare’s audience believe to be true about witches?a. they were realb. there were good and bad onesc. they got their power from the devild. all of the above d. all of the above
which of the following is NOT a way Macbeth and Banquo identify the witches as witches?a. they are dressed funnyb. they turned them into newtsc. they have beardsd. they vanish b. they turned them into newts
which of the following best describes what lady macbeth wants to do after she receives the letter from macbeth and reads its contents?a. wait and see what happensb. to talk to macbeth to clarify what the prophecy meansc. to gain power through ally noblemen and begin a takeoverd. to kill duncan d. to kill duncan
the witches told macbeth which of the following in their prophesy?a. thane of glamis, thane of five, thane of cawdorb. thane of cawdor, king of scotland, his sons will be kingsc. thane of glamis, thane of cawdor, king of scotlandd. his sons will be kingse. thane of fife, thane of cawdor, kind of scotland c. thane of glamis, thane of cawdor, king of scotland
the witches told Banquo which of the following in their prophesy?a. lesser than macbeth and greater; not so happy yet happier; his sons will be kingsb. thane of cawdor, king of scotland, his sons will be kingsc. thane of glamis, thane of cawdor, king of scotlandd. he is in great dangere. thane of fife, thane of cawdor, king of scotland a. lesser than macbeth and greater; not so happy yet happier; his sons will be kings
which of the following does lady macbeth NOT do?a. she plans the murderb. she kills duncanc. she plants the murder weapons on the guardsd. she smears the guards’ faces and hands with blood b. she kills duncan
the following is an example of what? weakSTRONG|weakSTRONG|weakSTRONG|weakSTRONG|weakSTRONG|a. meterb. a footc. an iambd. iambic pentametere. none of the above d. iambic pentameter
which best describes the meaning of the following statement?”Make thick my blood, stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose nor keep peace between the effect and it!”a. this statement shows macbeth’s intent and plans. Macbeth does not want any feelings of remorse or guilt to ruin or hinder him in his cruel purpose to kill duncanb. this statement shows lady macbeth’s intent and plans. lady macbeth does not want any feelings of remorse or guilt to ruin or hinder her in her cruel purpose to kill duncanc. this statement shows malcolm’s intent and plans. malcolm does not want any feelings of remorse or guilt to ruin or hinder him in his cruel purpose to kill duncand. this statement shows the thane of cawdor’s intent and plans. the thane of cawdor does not want any feelings of remorse or guilt to ruin or hinder him in his cruel purpose to kill duncan. b. this statement shows lady macbeth’s intent and plans. lady macbeth does not want any feelings of remorse or guilt to ruin or hinder her in her cruel purpose to kill duncan
what does “sleep” represent in the following excerpt?Methought I heard a voice cry, ‘Sleep no more!’Macbeth does murder sleep’–the innocent sleep,sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleave of care,…Still it cried ‘Sleep no more!’ to all the house:’Glamis hath murder’d sleep, and therefore Cawdorshall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more.’a. antagonistb. themec. protagonistd. symbol d. symbol
what does Banquo dream about the night before the murder?a. the murderb. nightmares of the battlec. his sons becoming kingd. the three weird sisters d. the three weird sisters
Who said the following quote and what is its significance:Is this a dagger which I see before me,The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee; I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.Art thou not, fatal vision, sensibleTo feeling as to sight? or art thou butA dagger of the mind, a false creation,Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?I see thee yet, in form as palpableAs this which now I drawa. macbeth–his guilt is manifested in a hallucinationb. macbeth–he is psyched up to murder duncanc. lady macbeth–her guilt is manifested in a hallucinationd. lady macbeth–she is psyched up to murder duncane. none of the above a. macbeth–his guilt is manifested in a hallucination
which of the following does macbeth do to mess up their perfect crime?a. brings the daggers back with himb. forgets to smear duncan’s servants with bloodc. forgets to wash his hands of duncan’s blood right after the murderd. all of the abovee. none of the above d. all of the above
macduff discovers that ___ and macbeth confesses ___a. duncan is dead/he killed himb. duncan is dead/he killed the servantsc. duncan overslept/they stayed up too lated. the porter is drunk/lady macbeth drugged hime. duncan is dead/lady macbeth did it b. duncan is dead/he killed the servants
malcolm flees to ___a. norwayb. scotlandc. englandd. irelande. none of the above c. england
donalbain flees to ___a. norwayb. scotlandc. englandd. irelande. none of the above d. ireland
why is macbeth afraid of banquo, thus having him murdered?a. banquo is the only other one (besides Lady Macbeth) who knows the prophecyb. banquo’s sons are prophesied to be kings, not Macbeth’sc. Banquo is noble, willing to take risks, is smart, and does the right thingd. all of the abovee. none of the above d. all of the above
why will macbeth visit the three weird sisters after Banquo’s murder?a. to see if he changed the prophecyb. to get an herbal remedy for lady macbethc. to get an enchantment put on him for protectiond. to kill them for turning him into a murderous monstere. none of the above a. to see if he changed the prophecy
which of the following does macbeth see in a vision from the witches?a. a bloody daggerb. banquo’s ghost in his housec. an armed headd. bloode. all of the above c. an armed head
why does malcolm mistrust macduff?a. he’s not sure if macduff wants to take his kingdom from himb. he’s leery that macbeth could have sent macduff to kill himc. he’s wary that macduff could be under a spell of the three witchesd. he’s not interested in the proposition macduff brings of a truce with macbethe. he’s afraid of macduff because Macduff is known as a ruthless killer b. he’s leery that macbeth could have sent macduff to kill him
which of the following best explains how lady macbeth died?a. no explanation needed; she’s aliveb. heart failure due to griefc. murdered by macbeth for knowing too muchd. suicide due to fear of losing her crowne. suicide due to guilt e. suicide due to guilt
who said the following quote and what is its significance:out, damned spot! out, I say!–one: two: why,then, ’tis time to do’t.–Hell is murky!–Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?–Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?a. lady macbeth–her sleep walking dream subconsciously shows her guiltb. lady macbeth–she can’t wash the blood out of their clothes from the night of duncan’s murderc. macbeth–his sleep walking dream subconsciously shows his guiltd. macbeth–he can’t wash the blood out of their clothes from the night of duncan’s murder a. lady macbeth–her sleep walking dream subconsciously shows her guilt
which of the following explains how birnam wood came to dunsinane hill?a. the trees began to move on their own and they not only carried the english army to dunsinane, but also helped them defeat macbethb. macbeth was taken by surprise and killed in birnam woodc. birnam wood was burned down and the ashes were used as a weapon to obstruct Macbeth and his men visuallyd. the english army used the branches from birnam wood as camouflage d. the english army used the branches from birnam wood as camouflage
who said the following quote and what is its significance:despair thy charm,and let the angel whom thou still hast servedtell thee, macduff was from his mother’s wombuntimely rippeda. macduff–declaring his unique birth that fulfilled macbeth’s second prophecyb. malcolm–declaring his unique birth that fulfilled macbeth’s second prophecyc. donalbain–declaring his unique birth that fulfilled macbeth’s second prophecyd. fleance–declaring his unique birth that fulfilled macbeth’s second prophecye. lady macbeth–her child was delivered via c-section a. macduff–declaring his unique birth that fulfilled macbeth’s second prophecy
How did malcolm tell macduff to respond to the murder of his family?a. hide his feelingsb. get revengec. kill himselfd. none of the above c. kill himself
what was macbeth’s final fate?a. he was kept prisonerb. he was banished to an islandc. he was beheadedd. he committed suicidee. none of the above c. he was beheaded
which of the following will be king of scotland at the end of act five (as stated in the text)a. macduffb. donalbainc. fleanced. malcolme. none of the above d. malcolm
which of the following is true about macbeth?a. it is considered a tragedyb. it is loosely based on historyc. it is fictiond. all of the abovee. none of the above d. all of the above
select the correct combination to fill the blanks:macbeth is the ___ and the witches are the ___s.a. antagonist/protagonistb. good guy/ bad guyc. narcissist/antagonistd. protagonist/antagoniste. none of the above d. protagonist/antagonist
the following quote is an example of which theme?”Double, double toil and trouble, / Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.”a. ambitionb. fatec. manhoodd. supernaturale. violence d. supernatural
T/F: Banquo has insight into Duncan’s murder that the other thanes do not because he was there when macbeth heard his prophecy of being named King of Scotland T
Shakespeare’s theater troupe is known asa. shakespeare’s menb. the king’s menc. the queen’s mend. the merry playerse. the didn’t have a formal name b. the king’s men
T/F: Shakespeare is responsible for developing approximately 2,000 words and phrases T