Macbeth Study Guide Questions for Final Exam

Who are the first characters to appear in this play? Three Witches
What is the weather like at the beginning of the play? Lightning and thunder
What do the witches vow to do at the beginning of the play? Meet again
When do the witches want to meet? After a mighty battle
Where does the sun seem to set at the beginning of the play? The heath
Where is the play set? Scotland
Who do the witches plan to meet after parting in Act 1, Scene 1? Macbeth
What do the witches sense in the air in Act 1, Scene 1? Something murky
What are the witches anticipating at the beginning of the play? Something to happen on a larger scale
What do the witches say are their greatest pleasure in life? Deceiving
How many witches are there? Three
What kind of land is featured in Act 1, Scene 1? Desert
Who of the following is NOT found in Act 1, Scene 2?Malcom, Macbeth, Duncan, or Lennox Macbeth
Where does Duncan decide to camp at the beginning of the play? Forrest
Who does Duncan meet as he sets up camp at the beginning of the play? A wounded soldier
What title does Duncan hold? King
What did Macbeth do to Macdonwald? Ripped him in half with his sword
Who is the main enemy of Scotland at the time of this play? Norway
In Act 1, Scene 2, why does the sergeant not finish telling Duncan of the battle? He faints from loss of blood
Who is assisting the main enemy of Scotland at the time of this play? The Thane of Cawdor
Who is sent for help the wounded sergeant? (Act 1, Scene 2) A surgeon
Who owns the victory of the battle between Scotland and its main enemy? Duncan
What must the loser of the battle between Scotland and it’s enemy do in order to bury their dead men? Pay a tribute
Who is the hero of the battle between Scotland and its main enemy? Macbeth
Where do the witches go after Scotland’s battle is over? The heath
Who offends the first witch? (Act 1, Scene 3) A sailor’s wife
How is the first witch offended? (Act 1, Scene 3) The sailor’s wife will not share chestnuts with her
What does the first witch do to get her revenge on the person who offended her? (Act 1, Scene 3) Curses the sailor with lack of sleep and fatigue
What is Macbeth’s first reaction to the witches? Surprised and disgusted
What do the witches tell Macbeth he will become? (Act 1, Scene 3) The Thane of Cawdor
What happens to the original Thane of Cawdor? He is to be executed
Who is to be the new Thane of Cawdor? Macbeth
What does Malcolm tell Duncan the Thane of Cawdor just before the new Thane is named? He died with dignity
How are Malcolm and Duncan related? Malcolm is Duncan’s son
In an aside to the audience, what does Macbeth say he is carrying? (Act 1, Scene 4) Black and deep desires
What title is Malcolm given after the battle is over? Prince of Cumberland
Where is Macbeth’s castle? Inverness
How does Lady Macbeth hear about the prophecy of the witches? Her husband writes a letter about it
How does Macbeth refer to his wife after she hears about the prophecy from the witches? His dearest partner in greatness
What does Lady Macbeth plan after hearing about the prophecy of the witches? The murder of the King
What does Lady Macbeth tell her husband to do in front of the king when he comes to their home? Play the innocent
What does Lady Macbeth says she has in her mind after hearing the prophecy of the witches? A serpent’s cunning
Which of these is NOT a guest as Macbeth’s castle after the battle?Angus, Lennox, Donalbain, or Macdonwald? Macdonwald
what does Banquo say about Macbeth’s castle when he first arrives there? It is pleasant and inviting
Who is the first to greet Duncan at Macbeth’s castle? Lady Macbeth
What does Duncan say gave Macbeth speed after the battle? Love for his wife
How does Lady Macbeth act when the king arrives at her castle? (Act 1, Scene 6) Warm and inviting
What is so surprising about the way Lady Macbeth treats the king when he arrives at her castle? (Act 1, Scene 6) She is planning his murder
What does Macbeth say about killing Duncan after Duncan arrives at his castle? It is not the time
What does Macbeth say he will have to do if he is caught murdering the king? Kill himself
What two reasons does Macbeth give for not wanting to kill Duncan? Macbeth is his hot and he is a kinsman
What does Macbeth say the people would do if Duncan were killed? Cry
What does Lady Macbeth say she would do before breaking a promise? Kill her own child
Who does Lady Macbeth want to frame for Duncan’s murder? His chamberlains
How are Banquo and Fleance related? Banquo is Fleance’s father
What does Banquo suffer from on his first night in Macbeth’s castle? Bad thoughts
What does Duncan give Lady Macbeth? (Act 2, Scene 1) A diamond
What does Banquo wish to speak with Macbeth about on his first night in Macbeth’s castle? the witches
What does Macbeth see in a vision just as he is about to murder the king? A dagger
What does Macbeth ask his wife to prepare for him for after he has completed his chore? (Act 2, Scene 1) A drink
What does Lady Macbeth give the chamberlains to make them sleep? Wine
What gave Lady Macbeth the courage to continue with her plot? (Act 2, Scene 2) An owl shriek
What does a voice tell Macbeth he shall do no more after killing Duncan? Sleep
What does Macbeth ask mighty Neptune for help with? Washing blood off his hands
What color does Macbeth say he shall make the green sea? Red
How is the Porter speaking of death when he first appears on stage? He is telling knock-knock jokes about death
What did Lennox tell Macbeth about the night of Duncan’s murder? He was kept awake by strange noises and lamentations
Who is the first person to see the king dead? Macduff
How is Lady Macbeth told of the king’s murder the morning after? A bell is tolled
What is Lady Macbeth’s reaction when she is told of the king’s death the morning after? She acts shocked
Where does Donalbain go after Duncan’s death? Ireland
How old is the Old Man? 70
Who is speaking with the Old Man when he first appears on stage? Ross
Where is the Old Man standing when he first appears on stage? Outside Macbeth’s castle
Which of the following is NOT a strange anomaly seen by the Old Man? -Owls flying at noon-Horses eating each other -Darkness at noon day -A great falcon being killed by a mousing owl Owl flying at noon
Who does Macduff think is responsible for killing Duncan? The Chamberlains
Where is Macbeth going to be crowned king? Scone
What does Banquo acknowledge in hi soliloquy at the beginning of Act 3? The truthfulness of the witches’ prophecy
How does Banquo know that Macbeth will not remain king? Banquo’s son were prophesied to be kings
Who is the chief guest at Macbeth’s celebration feast? Banquo
Who does Macbeth hire after Banquo leaves the castle for the day? (Act 2, Scene 1) Murderers
What does Macbeth feel that Banquo has stripped him of? His lineage
Why is Banquo no able to attend the banquet until nightfall? He has a long ride to make
Who does Banquo think killed Duncan? Macbeth
What is Lady Macbeth assured of after Banquo rises away from the castle? (Act 3, Scene 2) Banquo will be in attendance that night
What news does Macbeth choose to not tell his wife after Banquo rides away from the castle? (Act 3, Scene 2) He has a plan to kill Banquo
Who has sole responsibility for the impending doom of Banquo? Macbeth
Why is Macbeth plotting to kill Banquo at all? The prophecy of Banquo’s sons becoming kings
What does Macbeth think his wife will do after she hears of Banquo’s murder? Celebrate
Who kills Banquo? Hired murderers
Where does Banquo’s killers wait for him? A park
Who escapes the ambush on Banquo? (Act 3, Scene 3) His son
How is Macbeth’s plan not fulfilled in Banquo’s murder? Banquo’s son escapes
Where is Banquo killed Near the palace
What does the person who escaped the ambush on Banquo do? (Act 3, Scene 3) Ride away at top speed
Who of the following in NOT in attendance in the hall when the banquet begins? (Act 3, Scene 3)-Donalbain -Ross-Macbeth-Lennox Donalbain
Who appears at the door when the banquet first begins? The murderer
What does Macbeth tell the unexpected visitor to the hall at the beginning of the banquet to do? Stand outside
Where did Banquo receive 20 gashes? His head
What news terrifies Macbeth at his banquet? Fleance escaped
What does Macbeth see at the banquet that no one else does? Banquo’s ghost
Who do the witches meet with the morning after Banquo’s murder? Hecate
What are the witches rebuked for the morning after Banquo’s murder? Not alerting Hecate about Macbeth
What do the witches plan to show Macbeth the morning after Banquo’s murder? His destiny
What do the witches plan to harvest from the moon? A Vaporous drop
What do the witches plan to do with that which they harvest from the moon? Create evil spirits
After the murders of Duncan and Banquo, what do the witches view Macbeth as? A wayward son
Who does Lennox speak to about Banquo’s death? A lord
Where does Macduff go after Banquo’s murder? Ireland
What is Macduff doing as he flees after Banquo’s death? Plotting against Macbeth
Who is Duncan’s heir? Malcolm
What does Macduff do when summoned by Macbeth? (Act 3, Scene 6) Refuses to come
Who is helping Macduff when he flees after Banquo’s murder? Malcom
What are the witches doing at the beginning of Act 4? Stirring things in their cauldron
What do the witches do at the beginning of Act 4 when they are joined by Hecate? Dance and sing
What is the first apparition to appear to Macbeth’s when he meets with the witches? A bloody child
What is the third apparition to appear to Macbeth when he meets with the witches? A child holding a branch
What does the first apparition warn Macbeth against? The Thane of Fife
What does Lady Macbeth say her husband’s flight makes her look like? A traitor
Who is with Lady Macbeth in her castle when she hears her husband has fled? Her son
Who of the following has NOT fled the country by Act 4, Scene 2?-Malcolm -Donalbain -Macduff -Ross Ross
What does Ross say about Macduff after he has fled? He is noble and wise
What does Macduff’s son compare himself to when he hears that his father has fled? A bird
What happens to Macduff’s family after he has fled the country? They are murdered
What does Malcolm tell Macduff after they have both fled? He is filled with sadness
What does Macduff tell Malcolm to do after they have both fled? Be strong and take up his sword
What does Macduff promise Malcolm he is not? (Act 4, Scene 4) A traitor
Why is Malcolm afraid to take up the crown? He has many vices
Why does Malcolm lie to Macduff about being a lusty man? He is testing Macduff
What does Macduff do when he hears his family has been murdered? Swears vengeance on Macbeth
Where does the first scene in Act 5 take place? An anteroom in Macbeth’s castle
Who are speaking at the beginning of Act 5? A gentlewoman and a doctor
What has been happening to Lady Macbeth since Banquo’s death? She has been sleepwalking
What is Lady Macbeth trying to do while she is sleeping? Wash her hands
What is so surprising to Lady Macbeth about an old man? (Act 5, Scene 1) How much blood he has
What does a doctor say Lady Macbeth needs to heal? A priest
Who of the following is NOT among the soldiers in Dunsinane?-Merteith -Donalbain-Angus-Lennox Donalbain
What do the soldiers in Dunsinane enter with? (Act 5, Scene 2) A drum and colors
Where is Malcolm when the other soldiers are at Dunsinane? Bimam Wood
What has caused Macbeth’s fiery rage while the soldiers are all in Dunsinane? His secret murders
How do the soldiers in Dunsinane plan to murge Macbeth of his anger? Righteous war
Why is Macbeth not at all disturbed by the war drums? He feel protected from his enemies
What does Macebeth ask his doctors to do when he hears the war drums form Dunisnane? Stop giving him reports
What is the one thing that will frighten Macbeth? Seeing the wood move the castle
How many soldiers are in Dunsinane? (Act 5, Scene 3) 10,000
What does Macbeth call his servant who tried to warm him of the encroaching army? A coward
What does Macbeth ask Seyton to do as the army approaches? (Act 5, Scene 3) Prepare his armor
What makes Macbeth feel invincible in Act 5? The prophecy of the witches
Who is the leader of the army at Dunsinane? General Siward
What do the men in Dunsinane use as camouflage? Branches from trees in the wood
who suggests the form of camouflage that the army in Dunsinane uses? Malcolm
What is the army in Dunisnane trying to hide with their unique camouflage? Their numbers
What has most of Macbeth’s army done while the army of Dunisnane prepares for battle? Fled
How does Macbeth feel about what his army has done while the army in Dunsinane prepares for battle? He is still confident that he will win
What is Macbeth’s title in the castle at Dunisnane? King
What does Macbeth think will happen to his enemies while he is in his castle? They will starve and suffer with ague
What is the source of the shrill cry Macbeth hears as the army approaches his castle? (Act 5, Scene 5) His wife has died
What does Macbeh fear his future will be after finding out the source of the shrill cry? (Act 5, Scene 5) Dusty death
How does Macbeth hear that Birmam Wood is moving towards the castle? His sentry tells him
How does Lady Macbeth die? Suicide
What does the army at Dunsinane do when they reach the castle? Rest
What does Malcolm tell the army to do when they reach the castle at Dunisnane? Put down their branches
Who will lead the first assault on the castle? (Act 5, Scene 6) Siward
Why is Macbeth afraid when the army reaches the castle when he has been so confident until then? The witches warnings are coming true
Where did the army get the boughs they are holding? From Birmam wood
What were the boughs held by the army used for? Camouflage
Where is the army at Dunisnane from? England
What does Macbeth decide he must do when he sees the army at his castle? (Act 5 Scene 7) Make a stand
Who is the first person killed by Macbeth in the battle at his castle? Young Siward
How does Macbeth fell about his first killing in the battle? (Act 5, Scene 7) Confident
Who wants to take revenge personally on Macbeth during the battle at the castle? Macduff
Why is Macbeth not afraid of the man sworn to take revenge on him? The prophecy from the witches give him courage
What does Macbeth say he will not do when he sees two angry and armed men approach him in the castle? (Act 5, Scene 8) Fall on his sword
How was Macduff born? Ripped from his mother’s womb
Why is Macduff’s birth so important to the plot? Macbeth cannot be killed by a man born naturally of a women
What does Macduff call Macbeth as they fight? A tyrant
What brings Siward comfort when he hears of his son’s death? He died nobly
Who is crowned king at the end of the play? Malcolm