Macbeth Intro and Act I

When was William Shakespeare born? April 23, 1564
When did William Shakespeare die? April 23, 1616
Who did William Shakespeare marry? Anne Hathaway
Where was William Shakespeare educated? King’s New School
How many children did William Shakespeare have and what are their names? 3: hamnet, judith, and susanna
What group was William Shakespeare a part of? Lord Chamberlain’s Men
How many sonnets and plays did William Shakespeare write? 154 and 37
Who was Macbeth based off of? Scottish King (the red king)
Who did Shakespeare write Macbeth for? James I
What are Shakespeare’s 4 greatest tragedies? Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth
What is Macbeth written in? poetry
Macbeth is based on a_____________ true story
Where did Shakespeare get the source for writing Macbeth? Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland by Raphael Holinshed
king of Scotland Duncan
Duncan’s sons Malcom and Donalbain
Thane of Glamis, General of Duncan Macbeth
Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth
general and friend of Macbeth Banquo
What are the witches referred to as? the weird sisters
Who are the noblemen? Lennox, Angus, and Ross
Scene 1: When are the witches planning to meet again and for what purpose? -upon the heath when the battle is done-Macbeth
Scene 1: Describe the setting of this scene. How might it be significant considering this is the first scene of the play? what sort of mood does it create? -desert place-creates the mood for the scene-omnious
Scene 1: The witches say together, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” This is one of the most famous lines in Macbeth. What does it mean? anything goes
Scene 2: What does the Sergeant specifically report about Macbeth? What does this news reveal to you about Macbeth’s character? very brave, courageous, and valor
Scene 2: What is Macbeth’s relationship to King Duncan? cousins
Scene 2: Who had Macbeth and Banquo been fighting? Macdonwald and Norway
Scene 2: What does Ross mean when he calls Macbeth “Bellona’s bridegroom?” goddess of war (athena), he is so skilled in war that he comes out victorious
Scene 2: What does King Duncan instruct Ross to do and why? kill the thane of Cawdor because he is a traitor
Scene 3: What does the first witch plan to do to a sailor and why? What does this tell you about the three witches? -give him bad weather for his journey because his wife gave her bad chestnuts-they’re out of control, but can’t kill them
Scene 3: When Macbeth says, “So foul and fair a day I have not seen,” what does he mean? bloody battle but they won
Scene 3: Describe the physical appearance of the witches. bearded
Scene 3: What prophecies do the witches make regarding Macbeth? How does he react based on what Banquo says? -Thane of Cawdor and hail King hereafter your going to become the thane of Cawdor and King-not to let his inner feelings show
Scene 3: What metaphor does Banquo use to ask the witches about his future? seeds
Scene 3: How likely does Macbeth think it is that he will become Thane of Cawdor or King of Scotland? he doesn’t think it is likely
Scene 3: How do Banquo and Macbeth question their experience with the witches? they think they’re high
Scene 3: What news does Ross bring to Banquo and Macbeth as they are discussing the prophecies? Macbeth is thane of Cawdor
Scene 3: What does Banquo mean when he says, “What, can the devil speak true?” how can the witches say something that’s really true
Scene 3: Why does Banquo warn Macbeth about “the instruments of darkness?” What type of literary device is this? How does this comment tie into the “fair is foul, foul is fair” theme? -he knows only bad can come from them-metaphor, foreshadowing-it’ll hurt them in the end
Scene 3: As the others talk, what does Macbeth’s aside reveal about his thinking? wants to kill Duncan, but physically cannot do it
Scene 3: What is the difference between how Banquo reacts to the fulfillment of the first prophecy and how Macbeth reacts? Why might their reactions be significant? banquo is more surprised whereas Macbeth wants to think it through and doesn’t want to him to see what he’s truly thinking
Scene 3: What common human feeling is Macbeth expressing when he says, “My thought…./Shakes so my single state of man that function/Is smother’d in surmise, and nothing is/But what is not”? obsessed with becoming king
Scene 4: How does Malcom describe Cawdor’s experience? How does Duncan respond? -he died as one has been studied in his death-he was a good and trustworthy man
Scene 4: How does Duncan regard what Macbeth has done for him? What does Macbeth think about the services he has provided? -promotes and appreciates him-he thinks he is doing his duty
Scene 4: What image does Duncan use to describe his relationship with Macbeth? a tree
Scene 4: How does Banquo further this metaphor? What earlier comment do his words echo? -if he does a good job they will reap the benefits-his son will be king
Scene 4: What is the significance of Duncan naming Malcom the Prince of Cumberland? how to get over it or around it
Scene 4: How does Macbeth react to the announcement in his last speech in this scene? What does he reveal? -let not people see my dark desires-he doesn’t want to kill him
Scene 5: After Lady Macbeth finishes reading the letter, she says Macbeth, “shalt be” what he has been promised, meaning king of Scotland. Why is this comment significant? she’s going to make him king
Scene 5: After Lady Macbeth finishes reading the letter, what concern does she express about Macbeth? he’s soft, full of milk of kindness
Scene 5: Why does Lady Macbeth want her husband to hurry home? She can influence him
Scene 5: How does the news about King Duncan’s impending arrival affect Lady Macbeth? What is she planning? -super excited-assassination of King Duncan
Scene 5: When Macbeth enters, how does Lady Macbeth again echo the words of the witches? Great Glamis, thane, Cawdor
Scene 5: What instruction does Lady Macbeth give to her husband? What metaphor does she use to describe her advice? -keep up your appearance-look like an innocent flower but be the serpent underneath
Scene 6: How does Duncan and Banquo regard Macbeth’s home? How are their comments an example of dramatic irony? -very nice and sweet air-that’s wear he is going to die
Scene 6: How does Lady Macbeth’s behavior in this scene contrast with what we know of her form the last scene? What does this indicate about her character? -fake, nice on the outside but dark on the inside-evil
Scene 7: What arguments does Macbeth raise for not committing the murder? What does Macbeth mean when he says that Duncan is “here in double trust”? -does not want to kill him-their cousins so why kill him when all he’s done is been a good king and has promoted him
Scene 7: Macbeth indicates that Duncan has been a great ruler. According to Macbeth, what qualities make Duncan a good king? honest and meek
Scene 7: What resolution does Macbeth communicate to Lady Macbeth? he is not going to do it, but then she changes his mind
Scene 7: What does Lady Macbeth say in an attempt to goad her husband into committing the murder? if you’re really a man then you’ll do it
Scene 7: Macbeth response to his wife, about what a man may dare, is frequently quoted. What does he mean? -“I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none”-you would be a monster
Scene 7: What is the point of the baby imagery that Lady Macbeth uses? show how evil she is
Scene 7: Lady Macbeth reveals the details of the murder plot. What are they, and how does she convince Macbeth that the plan will work? -get the servants drunk then Macbeth stab Duncan in his sleep then rub the blood on the servants-make the servants look guilty
Scene 7: Why does Macbeth believe his wife should “bring forth men-children only”? Has her plan convinced him to continue in the scheme? -so the girls don’t end up evil like she is-yes
Who said: Fair is foul and foul is fair witches
Who said:No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest. Go pronounce his present death Duncan
Who said: So fair and foul a day I have not seen Macbeth
Who said:If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me Banquo
Who said:All hail Macbeth, that shall be king hereafter! witches
Who said:Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none witches
Who said:But ’tis strange; and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence. Banquo
Who said:There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face Duncan
Who said:Stars, hide your fires: Let not lights see my black and deep desires Macbeth
Who said:Yet I do fear thy nature; It is too full of the milk of human kindness Lady Macbeth
Who said:Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here Lady Macbeth
Who said:Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it Lady Macbeth
Who said:I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition Macbeth
Who said:But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we will not fail Lady Macbeth
Who said:False face must hide what false heart doth know Macbeth
What is the historical Macbeth known as? the red king
Who is the historical king from Scotland? Macbeth
How many scenes are there in Act 1? seven
How many times do the witches appear in Act 1? two
What does the quote “False face must hide what false heart doth know” mean? his face can’t show what is in his heart