Macbeth Characters

Macbeth Protagonist; ambitious army general in Scotland; viewed as a hero at the onset of the play for his success in battle
Lady Macbeth Wife of Macbeth; very persuasive and aggressive in her marriage
King Duncan King of Scotland
Malcolm Oldest son of King Duncan; Prince of Cumberland
Donalbain Youngest son of King Duncan
Banquo Army general; good, loyal friend of Macbeth
Three Witches Jags who can predict the future for Macbeth, also called the weird sisters; weird is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word wyrd meaning fate. The three witches are also a reference to the three goddesses of fate
Hectate (Witch 4) Mistress of the witches charms and queen of Hades referred to as queen of the witches
Macduff Scottish nobleman and Lord of Ffe; known for his wisdom and intergrity
Lady Macduff Wife of Macduff
Lennox Scottish nobleman
Ross Scottish nobleman
Fleance Son of Banquo
Siward Earl of Northumberland; general of the English forces
Macbeth Protagonist; ambitious army general in Scotland; viewed as a hero at the onset of the play for his success in battle
Lady Macbeth Wife of Macbeth; very persuasive and aggressive in her marriage
King Duncan King of Scotland
Malcolm Oldest son of King Duncan; Prince of Cumberland
Donalbain Youngest son of King Duncan
Banquo Army general; good, loyal friend of Macbeth
Three Witches Jags who can predict the future for Macbeth, also called the weird sisters; weird is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word wyrd meaning fate. The three witches are also a reference to the three goddesses of fate
Hectate (Witch 4) Mistress of the witches charms and queen of Hades referred to as queen of the witches
Macduff Scottish nobleman and Lord of Ffe; known for his wisdom and intergrity
Lady Macduff Wife of Macduff
Lennox Scottish nobleman
Ross Scottish nobleman
Fleance Son of Banquo
Siward Earl of Northumberland; general of the English forces