Macbeth and Lady Macbeth adjectives

reluctant Macbeth does not want to murder King Duncan. He is (rel_ _ _ _ _t)
hesitant Macbeth is in two minds about what to do. He is (hes_ _ _ _t)
heartless Lady Macbeth lacks affection and warmth for other people. She is (hea_ _ _ _ s)
manipulative Lady Macbeth likes to control Macbeth. She can make him do what she wants. She is (man_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e)
coward Lady Macbeth doesn’t think that Macbeth is brave enough. She accuses him of being a (co_ _ _ _)
ambitious Lady Macbeth and Macbeth want power. They are (amb_ _ _ _ _ _)
ruthless Lady Macbeth will not stop until she gets what she wants. She doesn’t care who she harms along the way. She is (rut_ _ _ _ s)
cruel Lady Macbeth is mean and hurtful. She can be very (cr_ _ _)
violent Some of the words and images Lady Macbeth uses are very (vio_ _ _ _)
persuasive Lady Macbeth can make people change their minds. She can be very (pers_ _ _ _ _ _)
crown Macbeth wants the (cr _ _ _). He wants to be king.
prophecies The witches make three strange (prop_ _ _ _ _s)
Banquo Macbeth’s friend who he later murders. (B_ _ _ _ _)
Shakespeare The writer of Macbeth.
accuses Lady Macbeth (acc_ _ _ s) Macbeth of being too scared to kill King Duncan.
soliloquy A speech given by a character only to the audience to reveal their inner thoughts. The scene starts with a (sol_ _ _ _uy) by Macbeth.