Macbeth All Act thing yeah

Macbeth had him killed because he suspected Macbeth killed Duncan Banquo
The witches showed Macbeth a bloody… child
Double, Double toil and.. trouble
It is a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/Signifying.. nothing
Nothing is his life/Became him like the …. it leaving
One thing drinking provokes sleep
Macbeth to Duncan Cousin
Author Shakespeare
Hecate wants the witches to give Macbeth these false impressions Visions
Hecate is their queen Witches
Fair is …., and ….. is fair Foul
The witches showed Macbeth the eight… Kings
Kills Macbeth for revenge and to restore the throne to the proper ruler Macduff
He escapes Macbeth’s murder plot, but Banquo does not Fleance
Macduff discovered Duncan’s dead one body
The night is long that never finds the… day
In line for the throne after Malcolm Donalbain
Queen of witches Hecate
Why do you dress me in borrowed….? Robes
The… free Time
Malcolm fled to this country England
Messenger; he told Macduff his family was murdered Ross
Lady Macbeth’s signal to her husband A bell
King of Scotland; murdered by Macbeth Duncan
Macbeth is the Thane of …. and Thane of Cawdor Glamis
The witches showed Macbeth an armed Head
But signs of nobleness, like ….., shall shine/on all deservers. stars
Macbeth defeats him, which pleases Duncan Macdonwald
One of Duncan’s nobleman Lennox
There’s …. in men’s smiles Daggers
….. Wood Dirnam
Donalbain flees there Ireland
Stars, hide your fires/let not light see my black and deep …. desires
Look like the innocent flower/But be the ….. under’t Serpent
Attempts to kill Macbeth, but is slain Siward
Malcolm’s army uses them as camouflage Branches