Macbeth Act III

Banquo refuses Macbeth’s invitation to dinner False
Macbeth hires two men to kill Banquo and Fleance True
Banquo’s son manages to escape True
Before the dinner, Macbeth looks confidentiality toward the future False
Banquo’s ghost sits in Macbeth’s place at the table True
All the guests see the ghostly figure False
Lady Macbeth explains that her husband’s wild words are caused by his guilt False
Macbeth is relieved that Macduff has failed to appear False
He cate and the weird sisters plan another meeting with Macbeth True
Macduff has left to aid one of Duncan’s sons in a rebellion against Macbeth True
As he considers Macbeth’s kingship, Banquo feels glimmers of hope for his own future
Macbeth wants Banquo dead so that
In saying “what’s done is done,” Lady Macbeth suggests that she and Macbeth should accept the finality of their deed
In his response to his wife, Macbeth demonstrates a drive towards further evil
Macbeth is seized by a “fit” when
Macbeth describes the ghost at dinner as looking as Banquo did in life
Lady Macbeth tries to bring Macbeth to his senses by Scolding him
Macbeth hints to his wife that he must avoid the witches
He cate intends to punish Macbeth for his Overconfidence
At the beginning of Scene 6, Lennox speaks of Macbeth’s sorrow and nobility in Objective
“He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valor/To act in safety.” He doest act rashly
“Things without all remedy/Should be without regare…” If you can’t do anything about a situation, forgot about it
“Be innocent of the knowledge…/Till thou applaud the deed.” It is safer not to know about plans until after they are carried out
“…blood will have blood.” One evil deed leads to another
“This is the very painting of your fear.” You had an hallucination brought on by your terror