macbeth act 5

What does Lady Macbeth talk about as she sleepwalks? Why? She talks about the murders that her and Macbeth committed, because she has a guilty conscious
What is it that Lady Macbeth cannot wash from her hands? Give the exact quote regarding this. The blood of Duncan, who knew the old man would have so much blood
Is the doctor able to cure Lady Macbeth? Why or why not? What does the doctor say she needs more than him to help her? No, he says that she needs someone’s help other than a doctors.
What are Mentieth, Caithness, Angus, Lennox and other soldiers doing in scene 2? They cut down trees to mask themselves when their far away
What do you learn about Macbeth’s ability to rule? Hes not fit to rule
Upon what does Macbeth rely? On the prophecies that the witches give him
Although the doctor is supposed to be treating Lady Macbeth, his comments in the last two lines reveal something about his character as well as his loyalties. What do these lines mean? That he would rather be somewhere else and that no amount of money can bring him back threre
How does Birnam Wood move to Dunsinane? They cut down the trees and move with them
How does the news of Lady Macbeth’s death affect Macbeth? Macbeth is despondent when he learns of her death
Who does Macbeth kill in battle? What confidence did Macbeth have that he would surely kill him? Young siward, because he was born of women
Because of this same prophecy, Macbeth believes that he can kill Macduff. How does Macduff prove this belief false? Because mcduff wasn’t born of a women technically since he was a C-section baby and she died
Why does Macbeth continue to fight to the death, even though everything is against him? He says that he won’t give up
How is Macbeth’s death made known to the audience? Mcduff shows them mcbeths head
Who will be the next king? malcom