Macbeth Act 3 Vocab

verity (n) truth, true statement or fact
indissoluble (adj) that cannot be dissolved, undone or destroyed / lasting, firm
parricide (n) the act of killing one’s parent
dauntless (adj) not to be frightened or discouraged, brave
chide (v) find fault with, reproach or blame, scold
scepter (n) the rod or staff carried by a ruler as a symbol of royal power or authority
rancor (n) bitter resentment or ill will, extreme hatred or spite
liege (n) lord having a right to the homage and loyal service of his vassals
clepe (v) call, name
avouch (v) declare positively to be true
anon (adv) in a little while, soon / at another time
scotch (v) cut, gash
levy (n) invasion
jovial (adj) good hearted and full of fun
lave (v) to wash / to flow against
jocund (adj) feeling, expressing or communicating mirth or cheer, cheerful, merry, gay
prithee I pray thee, I ask you
crib (v) shut up in a small space
mischance (n) bad luck, misfortune
grandam (n) grandmother, old woman
charnel (n) place where dead bodies or bones are laid
weal (n) well-being, prosperity
avaunt go away! get out!
disposition (n) one’s habitual ways of acting toward others or of thinking about things, nature
blanch (v) make white or pale by extracting color
augur (n) fortune teller
betimes (adv) in a short time, soon
beldam (n) an ugly old woman
sleight (n) a clever trick
spurn (v) refuse with scorn
thrall (n) person in bondage, slave or serf
malevolence (n) the wish that evil may happen to others