Macbeth Act 2 Notes

~~Scene 1~~
Fleance Banquo’s young son
Banquo Introduces the motif of sleeplessness—thinks about the “cursed” witches
MacbethLines 25-26 Tries to garner Banquo’s support with a knifeBanquo’s response: not what Macbeth wanted
Macbeth’s soliloquyLines 33-34 “Is this a dagger…” ➡ Macbeth hallucinates—he is unsure whether the dagger is real or an illusion -shows Macbeth’s vivid imagination -chooses evil over grace -personification—describes murder as an old man walking slowly toward his victim
~~Scene 2~~
Owl shrieked Symbol of death
Lady Macbeth’s first sign of weakness She couldn’t kill Duncan because he looked like her own father
Motif -nature out of order -heard owl scream/crickets cry-Macbeth has disturbed the natural order
Macbeth’s state of mind a. Thinks he hears the guards speaking; cannot reply “amen” because he feels guilty (separated from God) for the murderb. Hears voice “sleep no more” -motif=can’t sleep—Macbeth will never get his innocence restored
Lady MacbethLine 33 “it will make us mad”—irony
MacbethLines 59-62 Macbeth’s profound guilt is shown as he states that the blood on his hands would turn the ocean red
Lady MacbethLines 66-67 (Irony) -“a little water cleans us of this deed”
Ending Ends with suspense—someone is knocking
~~Scene 3~~ (Porter Scene)
Porter Comic relief: 1. Heightens suspense 2. Relieves tension
Irony Pretends to be a gatekeeper in hell
Macduff Thane of Fife
Lennox Gives examples of nature out of order
MacbethLines 85-87 (dramatic irony) -grace and renown are dead for Macbeth
Line 100 Macbeth kills the guards—not in the plan (He didn’t want them to tell the truth that they had not killed Duncan)
Malcolm & Donalbain -Neither believed the guards acted alone-They flee: ⚫Malcolm to England ⚫Donalbain to Ireland
Lady Macbeth Faints to divert attention from Macbeth who is trying too hard to defend his actions
~~Scene 4~~
Motif Nature out of order
Malcolm & Donalbain Suspected of murder because of fleeing
Macduff Won’t attend Macbeth’s coronation as King—shows he is not comfortable with Macbeth becoming King (an insult to Macbeth)