Macbeth act 1 & 2

Why does King Duncan decide to make Macbeth Thane of Cawdor? because the thane of cawdor is a traitor and macbeth fought for the King. Macbeth sliced open Macdonwald from the navel to the head, beheaded him and posted his head on the battlements.
How does Banquo react when Macbeth receives his new title? (See page 330, lines 120-127. Paraphrase.) He is shocked and can’t believe the witches were right
After reading the letter from her husband, Lady Macbeth calls upon the spirits to “Make thick my blood, / Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse.” What is she asking? (page 334, lines 40-47. Paraphrase.) to be made insensitive to the cruelty she is planning
Who reports to the King about Macbeth’s and Banquo’s bravery in battle? captain
Near the end of Act I, Why does Macbeth express doubt about murdering the king? (page 337, lines 1-25.) (4 reasons) Macbeth is the king’s subject and host
In the play’s first act, what is Duncan’s attitude toward Macbeth? Find a passage that supports your claim. respectful and kind
Before Macbeth makes his first appearance, what do we learn about him? We learn that he had defeated the Thane of Cawdor, pleased the king, and become Thane of Cawdor.
Lady Macbeth’s remark that her husband is “too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness” What does she mean? (page 334, lines 18-20) She thinks he is too nice to go after the crown
What is Macbeth’s tragic flaw? ruthless ambition
What do the witches provide for the audience? (page 326, lines 18-25) they foreshadow events
Why is King Duncan so grateful to Macbeth? Macbeth saved King Duncan’s kingdom from rebels and the Norwegian king.
What is Macbeth’s character flaw? ambitious
Who is with Macbeth when he encounters the witches? Banquo
Where does King Duncan come to spend the night? Macbeth’s castle
The numbered side notes in The Tragedy of Macbeth help readers understand which aspect of the play? Unfamiliar language
1What is Macbeth concerned about in this passage? p. 337, lines 7-12 being in power
Describe the dagger that Macbeth sees in his Scene 1 soliloquy? (page 334) bloody dagger pointed towards him; hallucination
When Macbeth talks agitatedly about the murder, what does Lady Macbeth urge him? (page 346, lines 32-33) not dwell on it
As soon as the murder becomes known, why do Malcolm and Donalbain flee Scotland? They’re scared that they’re next
The natural disturbances that continue all night—including the screaming and murderous owl, chimneys being blown down, and Duncan’s horses turning wild— symbolize what? Bad luck; evil
When Macbeth is alone, he imagines he sees what? A dagger
In Scene 4, how does Macduff emphasize his opposition to Macbeth? refusing to go to Scone to see Macbeth crowned
Why does Lady Macbeth drug the servants in Scene ii? To put the blame on them for murdering the king
Why does Lady Macbeth choose not to kill King Duncan herself? (page 345, lines12-13) he reminds her of her dad
What does Macbeth mean when he says he will “sleep no more”? (page 346, lines 34-38) what he did will never let him sleep again
What does Macbeth mean when he says the blood on his hands will redden all the seas? (page 348, lines 59-62) his hands are too bloody to clean
Why do Ross and Macduff think King Duncan’s sons have killed their father? (page 354, lines 24-27) they disappeared after his death
Soliloquy a long speech expressing private thoughts delivered by a character who is alone on stage
Monologue a long speech delivered by one character to another or to a group of characters
Aside a private remark to one character or to the audience that breaks convention because it is understood no to be heard by other characters
Chorus a single character/group of characters whose word may connect scenes/convey the collective thoughts/feelings of the community
Stage Directions instructions about the setting, costumes, lighting, scenery, props/objects on stage, indicate how and when actors should move and deliver their lines
Tragedy end with the downfall or death of the protagonist or main character
Tragic Hero in Greek and Shakespearean tragedy it means the main character; an outstanding person of high rank whose downfall is caused by his behavior
Tragic Flaw a part of the hero’s character that leads him to make a fatal mistake
Comic Relief to relieve tension, humorous scenes/characters Shakespeare uses lower ranks of society servants for relief
Comedy show ordinary people in conflict with society typically arise from misunderstandings deceptions disapproving authority figures and mistaken ID’s and are always resolved happily
Valor bravery
Treasons betrayals of one’s country
Imperial having supreme authority
Surmise imaginings speculation
Sovereign supreme in power or authority