
First Apparition Armed Head
Second Apparition Bloody Child
Third Apparition Child crowned with a tree branch in his hand
Message of First Apparition “Beware Macduff, Beware the Thane of Fife”
Message of Second Apparition “None of Woman born can harm Macbeth”
Message of Third Apparition “Macbeth shall never vanquished be untilGreat Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane HillShall come against him.”
How did First Apparition come true?
How did Second Apparition come true?
How did Third Apparition come true?
For what monarch was this play written? James I England / James IV Scotland
What was Holinshed’s Chronicles? historical source that helped Shakespeare write this play
How does Lady Macbeth die? She kills herself
What were some of Lady Macbeth’s symptoms of her “illness?” sleep-walking, sleep-talking, sleep-writing (to Lady Macduff as a warning), admitting to knowing about Duncan’s murder, always needing a light by her side, washing her hands, etc.
“The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap for in my way it lies.”Speaker?…about whom? Macbeth about Malcolm
“Yet I do fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way.”Speaker?….to whom? Lady Macbeth to Macbeth about how he’s too nice to kill Duncan
“We love him highly and shall continue our graces toward him.”Speaker?…about whom? Duncan about Macbeth
“Come seeling night and scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day.”Speaker? Macbeth
“Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done it.”Speaker?…about whom? Lady Macbeth about Duncan
“Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, Like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief.”Angus is speaking about whom? Macbeth
“Fail not our feast.” “My Lord I will not.”Speaker?…Responant? Macbeth…Banquo
“Thou canst say I did it! Never shake thy gory locks at me!”Speaker?…about whom/what? Macbeth to Banquo’s Ghost
“Naught’s had, all’s spent, where our desire’s got without content.”Speaker? Lady Macbeth
“I’ll raise such artificial sprites As by the strength of their illusion shall draw him on his confusion.”Speaker?…about whom? Hecate about Macbeth
“Double, double, toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”Speaker? The Weird Sisters (The Three Witches)
“Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now that I am in this worldly world Where to do harm is often laudable And to do good is sometime accounted dangerous folly.”Speaker? Lady Macduff….why should she run away…she has done nothing wrong…who would want to harm her…???
“… Were I king, I should cut off the nobles of the landDesire his jewels and this other’s house, and my more-havingShould forge quarrels unjust against the good and loyal,Destroying them for their wealth. I have none of the king-becoming graces.”Speaker? Malcolm…Malcolm’s test to see if Macduff was going to be loyal to a king worse than Macbeth…
“The Thane of Fife had a wife,Where is she now? What, will these hands ne’er be clean?”Speaker? Lady Macbeth…sleep-talking about Duncan’s blood on her hands
“This disease is beyond my practice.”Speaker?…about whom? Doctor about Lady Macbeth
“Remove from her the means of all annoyance.”Speaker?…about whom? Doctor about Lady Macbeth
“That which should accompany old age: as honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have.”Speaker? Macbeth
“But, gentle Heavens, cut short all intermission; Front to front bring thou this fiend of Scotland and Myself; within my sword’s length set him.”Speaker?…about whom? Macduff about Macbeth
“Your son, my lord, has paid a soldier’s debt.”Ross is speaking to whom? Old Siward about his son
“And be thou these juggling fiends no more believed That palter with us I a double sense; That keep the word of promise to our ear And break it to our hope.” What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? equivocation
“None of woman born shall harm Macbeth.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? equivocation
“Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? equivocation
“By the clock, ’tis day, And yet dark night strangles the traveler’s lamp.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? unnaturalness
“That guest of summer, the temple-haunting martlet does approve …” What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? bird imagery
“I heard the owl screech.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? bird imagery
“Here lay Duncan, His silver skin laced with his golden blood; There, the murderers, steeped in the colors of their trade.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? blood imagery, color imagery
“No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine Making the green one red.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? color imagery
“Come seeling night and scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? petition for darkness
“Stars, hide your fires! Let not night see my black and deep desires.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? petition for darkness
“May you see things well done there; adieu! Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? ill-fitting clothing imagery
“He cannot buckle his distemper cause Within the belt of rule.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? ill-fitting clothing imagery
“A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, And yet I cannot sleep.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? sleeplessness
“Me thought I heard a voice cry, ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!'”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? sleeplessness
“Sleep shall neither night nor day Hang on his penthouse lid.”What imagery or motif is being displayed in this quote? sleeplessness
indicates that several people leave stage exeuent
main acting area of Shakespeare’s theatre Platform
to use ambiguous expressions with intent to mislead; to lie with the truth equivocation
dramatic convention in which a character speaks on stage but some or all of the others on stage “do not hear” his words aside
a blast of trumpets used to announce the entry of a royal personage flourish
a Scottish title, just below earl thane
band of oboe-like instruments, generally used in connection with a procession or banquet hautboys
ordinary form of address used in speaking to children and servants sirrah
dramatic convention in which a character is alone on stage and speaks his thoughts aloud soliloquy
confused sounds of trumpets, drums, voices shouting alarum
the country where the play is set??? Scotland
Macbeth’s original castle was called ??? Inverness
“(x) knits up the raveled sleeve of care, the death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath, balm of hurt minds …” Sleep
After their father’s (Duncan’s) death, where does each son go? Donalbain goes to Ireland / Malcolm goes to England
“Out, damned spot! Out, I say!Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much (x) in him? Fill in the missing…. the (x)… blood
royal castle of Macbeth Forres
“Look like the innocent flower, but be the (x) under it.” Fill in the missing… the (x)…Motif/Imagery? serpent / equivocation or animal imagery
“You all know (x) is mortal’s chiefest enemy.” Fill in the missing… the (x)… Security / Over-confidence
What was the title bestowed on Macbeth for bravery in war? Thane of Cawdor
Who was named the Prince of Cumberland? Malcolm
Who was with Macbeth when he first met the witches? Banquo
Who were called the weird sisters? the witches
Who killed Macbeth? Macduff
Who lost wife and children to Macbeth? Macduff
Who was queen of witches, more powerful than the others? Hecate
Who believed that the martlets at Inverness were a sign of good luck? Duncan
Who was the king murdered by Macbeth? Duncan
Who escaped when murderers were sent to him by Macbeth? Fleance
Who was the Thane of Fife? Macduff
What was the famous theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were performed? The Globe Theatre
Who was killed but re-appeared as a ghost? Banquo
Who was the first to suspect Macbeth? Banquo
Who used a trick to test Macduff’s loyalty? Malcolm
Give an example of verbal irony…
Give an example of irony of situation…
Give an example of dramatic irony…
Give an example of tragic irony…
What was Macbeth’s tragic flaw? “vaulting ambition”
What was Lady Macbeth’s tragic flaw? greed