
William Shakespeare is often called the ______ meaning poet. The bard
He was an English____,_____, and ______ playwright, poet, and actor
His exact birthdate is ______ but he was baptized on _______ and he died in _____ at the age of _______ unknown, April 26, 1564, 1616 age of 52
He married ______ and had ___ children Anne Hathaway, 3
Often regarded as the foremost_____ of his time, Shakespeare wrote ___ plays and ____ sonnets dramatist, 37, 154
Indeed, Shakespeare lives on through his many plays and poems which are _____, ____, and _____ around the world today taught, read, and performed
However, he also lives on through the thousands of words he ______, and we still use today invented
_____ first performed in 1606, is one of Shakespeare’s most famous, and most performed tragedy Macbeth
The story is based on a real life _____, who became king in 1040 Scottish King
In Shakespeare’s version, Macbeth guided by ____ from three witches, is driven by ______ to become king and undertakes dark deeds to make it happen prophesies, ambition
The play is a dark one: of _____, _____,____, and ______ fate, power, ambition, and guilt
The very opening scene involves witches, which sets the _____, mystical tone of the _________ eerie, ensuing action
What are some words Shakespeare invented? Champion, Rant, Amazement, Swagger, Elbow, Obscene, Blushing, Dwindle, and Addiction
The Elizabethan Era is so called because it covers the period of _________ reign of England, and it spans from 1558-1603 Queen Elizabeth I
It is often referred to as _________ in British history as it was a time in which there was a ______ in culture and ______ the golden age, renaissance, national pride
Interestingly, _______ and ________ are ________ (alternative, indirect terms used to avoid the real title) for Shakespeare’s Macbeth The Scottish Play, The Bard’s Play, euphemisms
This is because, according to a superstitions in the world of actors, the play is _____, and speaking the name Macbeth inside a theater will cause _____ cursed, disaster
The origin of this superstition is not entirely clear: some say that Shakespeare used an actual ______ in the play, and then witches who saw the play were so angry that they placed a ____ on all future productions of the drama witch’s spell, cursed
Another rumor is that Shakespeare himself cursed the play once ______ forbid it to be performed again King James I
Sumarize Scene 1 Battle in Scotland, the witches appear and say they are going to meet Macbeth when the battle is over.
Summarize Scene 2 Hear about Macbeth’s noble character through reports delivered to the King calls the Thane of Cawdor a traitor and gives the title to Macbeth
Describe the physical setting The setting contains thunder and lightning as a storm rages on. Dry Desert fog and filthy air
Describe the mood The mood is supernatural, dark, and eerie
Self-contradictory statement that when investigated may prove to be true paradox
What were the witches prophesies? 1. Thane of Glamis2. Thane of Cawdor3.King
The witches foretell one thing about Banquo’s future. What is it? His descendants will be king
What is the meaning of WYRD? A conception of the Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny
Describe what happens in Act 1 Scene 4 Hear about the execution of Thane of Cawdor. Malcolm is named heir to the thrown. Duncan invites himself over to Macbeth’s house
irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play. dramatic irony
the act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud by onesself used in drama with the audience unspoken reflections soliloquy
What advice did Lady Macbeth back in Act 1 Scene 5 (around lines 72-73) about appearance? act natural and hide your evil
How does Lady Macbeth appear in front of the king? A good host, sweet
What is Lady Macbeth really thinking/plotting? Killing the king in his sleep
What are three words to describe Macbeth’s mind? conflicted, uncertain, troubled
What are three reasons Macbeth gives for not wanting to kill Duncan? Killing a good man, dangerous will have consequences, and upset the natural order
What is the conclusion Macbeth comes to by the end of his soliloquy? he decides that he is not going to kill the King
Explain how dramatic irony is evident during Lady Macbeth’s meeting with King Duncan We know that she is going to commit murder, while Duncan thinks she is great
How might the audience respond to Scene 6? They might think that she is deviant, a snake, and has ambition for power
In your own words, explain what we learn about Macbeth from this aside? He is hiding his true self because he has dark evil desires
By naming Malcolm Prince of Cumberland, what else is the king saying? He is trustworthy. More worthy than his other son
What is notable about Macbeth’s opening words? They are the same words the witches spoke in Scene 1
Summarize the action of Scene 3 Macbeth encounters the sisters and they give them their prophesies and he becomes the Thane of Cawdor
How might the meaning of WYRD inform Macbeth’s view of the witches? He believes every word they say
In what way is the witches’ opening speech somewhat like a spell? They are gathered together chanting the same words.
What news does Ross bring to the king about the Thane of Cawdor? He was disloyal and he began a bloody battle and he has been captured
What action does the king take in response of the news? He orders Ross to announce Thane of Cawdor’s execution and to give Macbeth his titles
“Give me cat- shows him being lazy” metaphor
“and waines it now, to look so green and pale” rhetorical question
“When you durst do it, then you were a man” pathos
” I have given such, and know how tender ’tis love to the bane that milks me” anecdotes
“So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo” pronoun
” Like the poor cat i’m’ adage” attacks
“Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and bashed the brains out…” exaggeration
“From this time such I account my love?” pathos
Do you find Lady Macbeth’s characterization believable? Yes, she is very evil on the inside but composes it greatly in order to murder Duncan
Develop of events beyond a person’s control regarded by a supernatural control fate
prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to be true by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between behavior self-fulfilling prophecy
Macbeth is not held in high regard amongst his fellow soldiers False (1.3.91)
The witches do not look human True (1.3.54-55)
Macbeth reacts negatively to the witches’ prophesies False (1.3.71)
Banquo’s descendants will be future monarchs True (1.3.68)
Lady Macbeth thinks that her husband is too weak to kill Duncan True (1.7.42-44)
Lady Macbeth thinks that Macbeth lacks ambition False (1.5.17-19)
Lady Macbeth feels as though she needs to be more manly in order to kill Duncan True (1.5.41-43)
Macbeth thinks Duncan is an authoritarian, aggressive king False (1.7.16-17)
Macbeth does have doubts about killing the king True (1.7.32-35)
Lady Macbeth would even kill her own children if she had promised Macbeth True (1.7.58-59)
Lady Macbeth instructs her husband to put on a fake show True (1.5.67-68)