King Lear Critical Quotes/Views

view Edmund as “another lago” Barker
would percieve Edmund as the play’s hero – a character wronged by old systems of power who has decided he will be oppressed no longer. Marxist reading
“A microcosm of the human race” L.C Knights
“The principal characters are not those who act, but those who suffer.” D.J Enright
“King Lear is about the disintegration of the world” Jan Knolt
“Fall from the highest elevation into the deepest abyss” August Wilhelm Schlegel
“A destructive reversal of the rightful order” Kathleen McLuskie
“(On the gouging out of Gloucester’s eyes) .. an act too horrid to endured in dramatic exhibition.” Samuel Johnson
“Women are made either to submit – Cordelia – or must be destroyed – Goneril and Regan.” Kathleen McLuskie
“Cordelia’s return is a restoration of patriarchy, of the old order. But this cannot be wholly reduced to male power.” Kathleen McLuskie
“Family relations in this play are seen as fixed and determined, and any movement within them is portrayed as destructive reversal of natural order.” Kathleen McLuskie
“King Lear is too huge for the stage” Bradley
“There is no supernatural justice – only human natural justice.” S.L Goldberg
“Lear goes mad because he is unable to accept his dependence on the feminine, his daughters.” Coppelia Kahn
“The horror of Lear’s story is the unnatural behaviour of Goneril and Regan .. not only personal sins but an upsetting of civilised values.” Helen Norris
“the coils of Evil spread and fester in the subplot of the play” Hal Holbrook
“he has clung steadfastly to the conviction that he is a loving father, despite all evidence of the contrary.” Hal Holbrook
“Lear’s madness is not so much a breakdown as a breakthrough. It is necessary” A. Kettle
“It is through his madness (..) that Lear comes to a new outlook on life.” A. Kettle
Lear finds “wisdom through madness” Cunningham
Tragedy is misogynistic, the protagonist is always male. Shakespeare aligns anarchy and sexual insubordination through Goneril and Regan. Feminist reading