Herche English 9 Midsummer Night’s Dream info for Final Exam

Amiable friendly and agreeable in disposition; good- natured and likable
Enamored inspired by love, captivated
Mirth gladness and gaiety, especially when expressed in laughter
Sprite a specter or ghost; a soul
Revenue income, wealth
Chink a narrow opening
Visage face or appearence
Loath be unwilling or reluctant; disinclined
Discourse verbal expression in speech or writing
Rebuke to criticize or reprove sharply; reprimand
Perjured testified falsely under oath
Brake a thicket
Enmity deep seated, often mutual hate
Clamorous noisy
Promontory a high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water
Filched snitched or stole
Abjure to give up, abstain from
Persuasion a strongly held opinion, a conviction
Base the lowest or bottom part
Lamentable worthy of grief, mourning or regret
Extempore spoken, carried out with little or no preparation
Discretion ability or power to decide responsibly
Perforce by necessity, by force or circumstance
Amorous strongly attracted or disposed to love
Undistinguishable having no unique markings; can’t be clearly seen
Rheumatic suffering from aches in the muscles, joints or bones
Chaplet a wreath or garland for the head
Dulcet pleasing to the ear; melodious
Spurn to kick at or tread on disdainfully
Flout to show contempt for
Knavery Unprincipled; crafty
Purge to remove (impurities) by or as if by cleansing
Kindred relatives
Bower a woman’s private chamber
Lamenting regretting deeply; mourning, expressly sorrowful
Consecrated sacred
Fret worry
Entwist twist together
Dotage a deterioration of mental faculties; sentility
Upbraid to reprove sharply; reproach
Conjunction a joint or simultaneous occurrence; concurrence
Recount to narrate the facts or particulars of
Audacious bold, insolent, spirited or original
Broached pierced in order to draw off liquid
Tarrying remaining or staying temporarily
Valor courage and boldness, as in battle; bravery
Shroud a cloth used to wrap a body for burial
Wane a period of decline or decrease
Beguiled deluded; cheated; diverted
Lysander In love with Hermia, Puck puts the potion on his eyes on accident and makes him fall in love with Helena
Demetrius Loves Hermia and Egeus approves of him, the fairies want him to fall in love with Helena
Quince The director of the play; speaks the prologue
Egeus Hermia’s father; wants Hermia to marry Demetrius not Lysander
Oberon King of the fairies, has Titania (his queen) fall in love with the Bottom as a donkey
Flute Plays Thisbe in the play (amazing actor)
Helena Loves Demetrius (Demetrius does not love her); Puck gets Lysander and Demetrius to fall in love with her and she thinks it’s a joke
Hippolyta King Theseus’ fiancé who was captured and forced to marry Theseus
Mustardseed A fairy servant of Titania; Bottom jokes saying her family is spicy or sweet to eat
Peaseblossom A fairy servant of Titania; Bottom jokes saying her mother is a squash and her father is a peascod
Hermia BFF to Helena; loves Lysander, but is forced to marry Demetrius, become a nun or die
Puck Servant to Oberon; switches the whole love triangle around; turns Bottom into a donkey (Goes by Robin too)
Bottom` Plays Pyramus; his head gets turned into a donkey’s head; Titania falls in love with him (full of himself)
Theseus King of Athens; engaged to Hippolyta
Titania Queen of the fairies; falls in love with Bottom
Who is speaking this quote, who is the audience and what is happening?”Lord what fools these mortals be!” Speaker- PuckAudience- OberonContext- Puck saying how ridiculous Lysander, Demetrius, Helena and Hermia are
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”O spite! O hell! I see you all are bent To set against me for your merriment: If you were civil and knew courtesy, You would not do me thus much injury.” Speaker- HelenaAudience- Lysander and DemetriusContext- Helena thinks both of them are making fun of her
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”Hard-handed men that work in Athens here, Which never labour’d in their minds till now, And now have toil’d their unbreathed memories With this same play, against your nupital.” Speaker- PhilostrateAudience- TheseusContext- Philostrate is talking about the actors and how the actors and the play itself is terrible
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”Go one of you, find out the forester; For now our observation is perform’d; And since we have vaward of the day, My love shall hear the music of my hounds. Uncouple in the western valley; let them go: Dispatch, I say, and find the forester.”Exit an Attendant”We will, fair queen, up to mountain’s top, And mark the musical confusion Of hounds and echo in conjunction.” Speaker- TheseusAudience- Egeus, Hippolyta and trainContext- Theseus is talking about the hunt
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”A good persuasion: therefore, hear me, Hermia. I have a widow aunt, a dowager Of great revenue, and she hath no child: From Athens is her house remote seven leagues; And she respects me as her only son Speaker- LysanderAudience- HermiaContext- Lysander talking about his aunt and how they can run away to his aunt’s house
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”Near to her close and consecrated bower, While she was in her dull and sleeping hour, A crew of patches, rude mechanicals That work for bread upon Athenian stalls Were met together to rehearse a play Intended for great Theseus’ nupital day.” Speaker- PuckAudience- TheseusContext- Puck is telling Theseus how Titania fell in love with Bottom
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”Rather your eyes must with his judgement look.” Speaker- TheseusAudience- HermiaContext- Theseus is telling Hermia to look through her father’s eyes instead of telling her father to look through hers
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”Methought I was enamour’d of an ass’ Speaker- TitaniaAudience- OberonContext- She wakes up from the potion thinking it’s a dream and she tells Oberon she thought she fell in love with a donkey
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”If we offend, it is with our good will. That you should think, we come not to offend, But with good will. To show our simple skill, That is the true beginning of our end.” Speaker- PuckAudience- UsContext- Puck is ending the play and making sure we weren’t offended (this a way of Shakespeare talking to us even though he is no longer here)
Who is the speaker, who is the audience and what is happening in this quote?”For Pyramus therein doth kill himself. Which, when I saw rehearsed, I must confess, Made mine eyes water; but more merry tears The passion of loud laughter never shed.” Speaker- PhilostrateAudience- TheseusContext- Telling Theseus what the play is about and how he cried tears of laughter, but only because it was horrible to watch