Hamlet Vocab Act 2

Assay (V) Attempt or try; examine or analyzeSentence: He assayed the peanut to find out if he is allergic
Purport (V) Appear or claim to be or do something, especially false Sentence: He’s not who he purports to be. Purportedly (Adv) Purported (Adj)
Fetter (N) Something that confines, restricts; chain or shackle for the feet Sentence: The budget is a fetter, limiting the amount of decorations they can buy.
Entreat (V) To ask someone earnestly to do something Sentence: Every time I go out, my mom entreats me to drive safely. Entreatingly (Adv)Entreatment (N)
Vouchsafe (V) To grant or give in a gracious or condescending way Sentence: She vouchsafed her least favorite student a C- on his project. Vouchsafement (N)
Gentry (N) Upper class Sentence: Every night, the gentry threw elaborate parties to show off their wealth.Gentrify (V)Gentrification (N) The gentrification of a neighborhood can prevent people from moving there?
Beseech (V) To beg for something, pled and urge in a serious way Sentence: He had to beseech his parents to let him go on a trip to France with his friends. Beseechingly (Adv)
Liege (N) Gentry level?Sentence: The faithful liege promised to never spill the King’s secrets.
Rebuke (V) To speak in an angry and critical way (N) Utterance of disapproval – Someone rebukes someone Sentence: Bill’s parents rebuked him after he was suspended for starting a fight.
Expostulate (V) To disagree with something or argue against it Sentence: He expostulated against the idea of getting a bouncy house for the party, saying it was too expensive Expostulation (N)because he didn’t listen to his parent’s expostulation, he got into a terrible car accident
Brevity (N) The use of few words to say something Sentence: After walking up three flights of stairs, Bill spoke with brevity when explaining why he was late to class.
Carrion (N) The flesh of dead animals (Collective Noun)Sentence: As I drove along the highway, I saw a lot of carrion on the side of the rode.
Contrive (V) To form or make in a skillful or clever way, fabricated Sentence: They contrived a plan to get their manager fired Contriver (N)
Tedious (Adj) Boring and too slow or long Sentence: As the man’s tedious speech continued, people in the audience started to fall asleep?Tediously (Adv)Tediousness (N)Tedium (N)
Strumpet (N) Female prostitute, used in a humorous way Sentence: Her friends called her a strumpet for the very revealing dress she was wearing
Mirth (N) Happiness and laughter Sentence: She was full of mirth when being reunited with her sister after five years. Mirthful (Adj) Mirthfully (Adv)
Promontory (N) A high area of land or rock that sticks out into the sea Sentence: Fearful of falling into the ocean, Bill watched his steps as he approached the promontory.
Firmament (N) The sky Sentence: When she looked up, she saw that billions of stars lit the firmamentFirmamental (Adj)
Paragon (N) A model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence Sentence: Mr. Jones was a paragon of teaching excellence.
Gratis (Adv) Without charge, complimentary Sentence: Because Tina is regular customer, the employees often give her chips and guac as food gratis.
Sere (Adj) Being dried and withered Sentence: The sere flower started to crumble at the touch.
Rapier (N) A straight sword that has a narrow blade with sharp edges Sentence: The rapier impaled his heart, killing him instantly.
Ducat (N) Gold coin; money from Shakespeare’s time Sentence: Because they only take credit cards, they said they couldn’t take ducats.
Appurtenance (N) An accessory Sentence: Some appurtenance of baseball are baseballs, baseball bats, and baseball mitts.
Indict (V) To bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial Sentence: The jury indicted him for murder.
Rheum (N) Watery fluid that collects in or drips from the nose or eyes Sentence: She used a tissue to remove the rheum from her nose.
Diadem (N) A crown that is worn especially by a king or queen as a symbol of royalty Sentence: In the play he wore a diadem to show he was the king.
Visage (N) A person’s face Sentence: His visage was full of surprised as he saw his long-distance girlfriend of two years.
Offal (N) The internal organs of an animal that is inedible for humans (Collective noun)Sentence: As he looked at the carrion on the side of the rode, he saw the offal spewing out of the body.
Rogue (N) A man who is dishonest or immoral; A person who is more of a thief or criminal Sentence: The rogue was arrested for breaking into the bank. (Adj) No longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable Sentence: The rogue students missed classes after they were accepted to college?