Hamlet Quiz

Hamlet is first Tragedy
Historia Danica (1200) Old Scandinavian legend. Written down by Saxo Grammaticus
Histoires Tragiques (1576) -Set in pre-christianity era-Hamlet clearly ACTS mad-Madness is much more eccentric (Crowns a bird)-Gertrude is clearly guilty and repents-Act IV takes place over the course of a year because Hamlet marries the King of England’s daughter-King Hamlet’s murder is public knowledge-In the finale, Hamlet gets the court drunk and lights them all on fire, then leaves-Written by Francois Belleforest
Ur-Hamlet (1594) -Clearly mad (less depth)-Focus on vengeance-No superior poetry/prose-Written by Thomas Kyd
Ghost Possibilities (5) -Hallucination-Bad Omen-Sent from heaven by divine permission-The devil in disguise-Person returned from dead to fulfill unfinished deeds
Shakespearean Tragedy (6) -Death of Hero/Heroine-Hero’s suffering must be exceptional-Hero must be of high standing (king, queen, etc..)-Ultimate tragedy must be public and effect the entire state-The highest point of troubles in the hero’s life-Hero must have Hamartia (tragic flaw)
Recurring Shakespearean Plot Devices (3) -Mental illness (Madness, Somnambulism, Hallucinations)-Supernatural in close proximity to hero (Ghosts, Witches)-Fate, Chance, or Accident influence the course of the outcome
Shakespearean Hero (4) -Someone of a high degree-Sufferings are unusual (Not everyday problems)-Must be above average intelligence-Hamartia (Tragic Flaw)
Shakespearean Plot Structure (3) Act I: Exposition of problem and state of affairsActs II-IV: Growth of conflict around the heroAct V: Conflict in catastrophe, hero’s death
Shakespearean Language (4) -Verb before subject (“Goes he”)-Object before subject-verb (“Him I hit”)-Puns: Words which sound the same but have more than one meaning (Cuntry, Foil)-Omits words and parts of words that English sentences require (Complexity)
Cathexis How you invest libido into an object of interest
Gertrude and sexuality (5) -May have been cheating prior to King Hamlet’s death (Ham calls Claudius an “Adulterate Beast”)-Hamlet’s too interest in Gertrude’s sex life (“Don’t let him tempt you”)-Represents appetite and pleasure principle (Drinks when told not to)-Not guilty of murder, though, because she acts surprised-Can’t see ghost because she only cares about the material world
Mouse Trap Represents Christ catching Satan
Ensemble Sees Ghost (2) -Proves Hamlet isn’t crazy-Some believed Latin scholars could speak to ghosts
Violent Shouting Reflects King Hamlet’s violent death
Fortinbras (4) -Would’ve inherited land if father didn’t die in duel-Rallies men to fight without pay and just for the sake of the land-Takes action-King Hamlet’s armor foreshadows his coming
Polonius tells children how to act (2) -Doesn’t trust their judgment, which means he doesn’t trust his own judgment-“Hamlet just wants to get laid” (Laertes reinforces this to Ophelia)
Claudius as a leader Levelheaded in handling Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras (Polonius doesn’t get this)
Claudius’ prayer Hamlet can’t kill him now because he’ll go to heaven
Ophelia’s Death Possible Suicide