Hamlet GradeSaver

Hamlet is set in Denmark
Hamlet is a Prince
Hamlet’s stepfather is also his Uncle
Claudius poisoned Old Hamlet
The ghost is first spotted Outside the castle
The ghost claims he is Old Hamlet
In his first appearance onstage, Hamlet is wearing Mourning clothes
Ha claims to be afflicted by Melancholy
Hamlet’s famous speeches are called Soliloquys
What noise drives the ghost offstage A cock’s crows
Who has Hamlet professed love for Ophelia
Why are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Denmark To find out why Hamlet is acting mad
Where does Hamlet go to university Germany
What religion was Denmark at time of writing Protestant
Where does Hamlet say Ophelia should go A nunnery
How does Ophelia die Drowning
Where does the ghost say he wanders Purgatory
When the play begins, the castle is celebrating King Claudius and Queen Gertrude’s marriage
Who survives the play Horatio
There are images throughout the play relating to Ears
The health of a state seems related to The moral state of the leader
Young Fortinbras says he is invading Poland
Who saves Hamlet’s life Pirates
In form, Hamlet is above all what sort of play A revenge play
What does Hamlet call Potonius A fishmonger