HAMLET: Claudius: Act I Scene I

(Celebration) So far hath discretion fought with nature that we with wisest sorrow think on him, together with remembrance of ourselves… With a defeated joy, with an auspicious and a dropping eye, with mirth in funeral, and with dirge in marriageNor have we herein barred your better wisdoms which have freely gone with this affair along. For all, our thanks
(See Laertes and Polonia after dancing) Have you your mother’s leave? What says Polonia?
Polonia: … give him leave to go Take thy fair hour, Laertes; time be thine, and thy best graces spend it at thy will (Go to Gertrude)
(Gertrude points me to Hamlet) My Cousin Hamlet…And my daughter
Hamlet: A little more than kin and less then kind How is it that the clouds still hang on you?
Hamlet: …trappings and suits of woe (Stop Gertrude: Gesture to Osric)Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, to give these mourning duties to your father, but you must know, your father lost a father; that father lost; lost his, and the survivor bound in filial obligation to do obsequious sorrow…But to persevere in obstinate condolent is a course of impious stubbornness . Tis unmanly griefIt shows a mind impatient, an understanding simple, and unschooled
(Hamlet shoves me into drums) Fie! Tis a fault to heaven, a fault against the dead, a fault to nature to reason most absurd (Gertrude calms me)Death of fathers, this must be. So we pray to you, throw to earth this unprevailing woe, and think of us as a father. With no less nobility of love then that which dearest father bears his child do I impart towards thee.
(Gertrude: (Whisper) Tell her about the school) For your intent in going back to school, it is most retrograde to our desire.We beseech you to remain here, in the cheer and comfort of our eye.
Hamlet: I shall in all my best obey you, madam Why tis a loving and fair reply!Madam, come. This gentle and unforced accord of Hamlet sets smiling to my heart. Denmark drinks today!(EXIT WTH POSSEE)