Hamlet: Acts 1 & 2

Who joins Bernardo, the watchman, on his watch of the castle? Marcellus
What do Marcellus and Bernardo want to show Horatio? The Ghost
What proves to Horatio that the ghost is that of King Hamlet? Wearing the armor
How does Horatio explain the appearance of King Hamlet’s ghost? Warning Sign
Who is Fortinbras? Prince of Norway
Who is now married to King Hamlet’s wife? Claudius
What does King Claudius say he is in mourning over? His brother
What do Claudius and Gertrude want Prince Hamlet to do? Stop mourning his father; stay close to them
What does Prince Hamlet contemplate doing because he is so upset? Suicide
What does Fortinbras want from Claudius? His land back
What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? Hamlet
What is Laertes’ main objection to Ophelia’s feelings? He’s obligated to his country
What does Polonius say about Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet? He doesn’t approve; forbids her to seeing him.
What does Hamlet overhear while waiting for the ghost to appear? The revelry of the king
Why do Horatio and Marcellus follow after Hamlet and the ghost? Protect Hamlet
How did Hamlet’s father die? Poison in the ear
Who does the ghost of Hamlet’s father say killed him? Claudius
What does the ghost of King Hamlet say about Gertrude, his wife? Leave her be
What does Hamlet tell Horatio and Marcellus about his plan? Pretend to go crazy
What does Hamlet do to upset Ophelia? Acts like a madman
Who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Hamlet’s best friends
Whom does Fortinbras swear he will not attack? The Danish
How does Polonius plan to prove Hamlet’s love for Ophelia? Spies on him
What play does Hamlet want the players to perform? The Murder of Gonzago
How will Claudius react to the play, according to Hamlet? Surprised