Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1

complete change of scene – moment of sadness contrasted with only comedy in the play enter two clowns
The clowns try to have an intellectual conversation but instead Shakespeare undermines them. Instead of ‘ergo’ Argal
Hamlet’s death is becoming inevitable – before he was happy to talk about death but no loner Has this fellow no feeling of his business? ‘A sings in grave-making.
hamlet talks aout the skull- says it was once a person the skull had a tongue in it and could sing once
Death is the great leveller- the grave diggers action’s would be revolutionary if these high status people were alive Here’s fine revolution
repetition of … two meanings both key themes in play Thou dost lie in’t / ’tis a quick lie sir
After you die you become nothing – genderless one that was a woman
Gravedigger started working when Hamlet was born – tragic inevitability. Hamlet is aware he is playing the role of tragic hero It was the very day that young Hamlet was born
3 types of jester in 1 scene. Hamlet knew this one – striking image of mortality G: Yorick’s skull, the King’s jester H: This?
Irony – nothing is infinite I knew him, Horatio. A fellow of infinite jest
Yorick has decayed – even Hamlet’s happy childhood memories have been affected by death where be your jibes now
Hamlet aspires to be great like Alexander – if he ended up dead what is the point for Hamlet Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust
Hamlet’s frustration / powerlessness to what base uses we may return Horatio!
Irony – Hamlet doesn’t know that Laertes is planning to kill him. Calls him a… a very noble youth
The priest thinks that Ophelia’s death was questionable. thinks the king is using his powers Her death was doubtful… Flints and pebbles should be thrown on her
“my grave is like to be my wedding bed” – Romeo and Juliet image. Thwarted possibility I thought thy bride-bed to have decked, sweet maid, and not have strewed thy grave
Hamlet says he loved Ophelia I loved Ophelia – Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum
Hamlet accuses Laertes of only coming to Ophelia’s funeral to outface him To outface me with leaping in her grave?
Claudius makes sinister allusion to sending Hamlet to his grave This grave shall have a living monument. An hour quiet thereby shall we see.