Hamlet Act 3 test

Hamlet’s to be or not to be soliloquy speculates about the advantages and disadvantages of suicide
Hamlet says that people don’t take their own lives because… people fear and don’t know what happens after death
_____ tells _____, “your honesty should admit no discourse to your beauty” because __________________ Hamlet; Ophelia; beauty corrupts purity
_______ says, “the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness: this was something a paradox, but now the time gives it proof.” “The time gives it proof” __________ Hamlet; an allusion to Gertrude
After eavesdropping on the scene b/w Hamlet and Ophelia, Polonius still thinks… Hamlet’s behavior results from unrequited love, but Claudius doesn’t
During the play within the play, Hamlet’s cruel remarks to Ophelia arise mainly from… his bitterness over his mother’s faithlessness
Gertrude says that the Player Queen “doth protest too much” b/c the player queen’s declarations that she will not remarry remind Gertrude that she has remarried quickly
When Claudius leaves the play, he believes… Hamlet knows he murdered Hamlet’s father
Hamlet forces Guildenstern to… try to play the recorder to make the point that if he can’t make a simple recorder speak, he certainly can’t make Hamlet speak
Hamlet’s reason for not killing CLaudius while Claudius is at prayer is b/c he doesn’t want to send Claudius’s soul to heaven
The scene in which Hamlet passes up the opportunity to kill CLaudius is ironic b/c… CLaudius is unable to repent
Hamlet’s remark to the dead Polonius “thou findst to be busy is some danger”… is an example of an ironic understatement
Hamlet forces his mother to look into her soul and… acknowledge her infidelity, bad judgement. and immoral behavior by comparing the portraits and characters of Claudius and Hamlet’s father
Hamlet asks Gertrude to keep his secret that… He’s only pretending to be mad, to behave virtuously even if she lacks virtue, and to avoid Claudius’s bed
______says “tis the sport to have the enginer / Hoist with his own petar” Hamlet; the word enginer refers to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Hamlet tells ophelia to go to a nunnery b/c he considers all women unworthy
When Hamlet asks Ophelia where her father is, it indicates that he knows… Polonius is listening to them
Caludius decides to… send Hamlet to England
Hamlet tells Horatio that he compliments him honestly and has nothing to gain by flattering him
Hamlet admires Horatio in art because… He’s not “passion’s slave”
Hamlet doesn’t ask Horatio to _____ during the play. He wants him to __________ taunt and ridicule; observe him instead
Hamlet tells the king that the play is called the mouse trap
the play within the play depicts a nephew murdering his uncle
King’s reaction to the play within the play confirms… the truth of what the ghost had told Hamlet
When Hamlet kills Polonius he thinks it might be CLuadius hiding behind the arras
Does Hamlet physically assault his mother in the scene in her bedroom? no
The ghost reappears to… remind Hamlet to finish his mission
When the ghost appears in Gertrude’s room… only Hamlet can see and hear it
Hamlet tells Gertrude that his cruelty to her is for her own good
Hamlet says he won’t trust rosencrantz and guildenstern to protect him on the trip to england