
Who walks the ramparts of Elsinore Castle in Denmark? None
Like Hamlet, Fortinbras is the grieving son of a dead king, a prince whose uncle inherited the throne in his place. True
Ophelia is a shallow, weak woman who seeks affection and status more urgently than moral rectitude or truth. False
In Act IV Sc i Horatio tells Claudius that Hamlet has killed Polonius. False
Claudius says that he does not wish for Hamlet to return to school at Wittenberg (where he had been studying before his father’s death), as Hamlet has asked to do. True
Polonius declares, after a wordy preamble, that the prince, Hamlet, is mad with love for Ophelia. True
Bernardo suggests that they tell Prince Hamlet, the dead kings son, about the apparition. False
Claudius wants Hamlet to look at him as his new father and stop morning about his father’s passing. True
Hamlet says in Act III Sc I that the miseries of life are such that no one would willingly bear them, except that they are afraid of “something after death”. Because we do not know what to expect in the afterlife, we would rather “bear those ills we have,” Hamlet says, “than fly to others that we know not of” True
Hamlet starts to show erratic behavior in Act II. True
Who approaches Hamlet to tell him of the Ghost? Horatio
The Ghost alludes to where he has been. It is Hell
The William Shakepeare who we are studying is the ACTUAL William Shakespeare who is responsible for it with 100% certaintity. False
After talking with the Ghost and returning to his friends, Hamlet makes them: Swear to secrecy on his sword
Claudius states his hope that England will obey the sealed orders he has sent with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The orders call for Prince Hamlet to be put to death. True
Ophelias insanity is designed to contrast strongly with Hamlets, differing primarily in its legitimacy: Ophelia does not feign madness to achieve an end, but is truly driven mad by external pressures. True
Horatio is a good-humored man who is also educated, intelligent, and skeptical of supernatural events. True
In Act I what causes the Ghost to keep leaving? The Crowing of a rooster
Prince Hamlet, devastated by his fathers death and betrayed by his mothers marriage, is introduced as the only character who is unwilling to play along with Claudiuss gaudy attempt to mimic a healthy royal court. True
What made Horatio originally come back to Denmark? The Death of King Hamlet
Polonius interrupts the queen and says that she has offended Hamlet’s father, meaning the dead King Hamlet, by marrying Claudius. False
How much time by after King Hamlet’s death did his wife remarry? Two Months
According to religious doctrine, suicides may not receive Christian burial. True
Laertes is active and has no use for thought. He has no interest in moral concerns, only in his consuming desire to avenge Polonius. True
Polonius shows the king and queen tape recorded poems Hamlet has given to Ophelia, and proposes a plan to test his theory. False
Which of the following are possible themes to the play? All
Marcellus says that they should follow Hamlet & The Ghost and try to protect Hamlet themselves. True
Hamlet is awestruck by the willingness of Fortinbras to devote the energy of an entire army, probably wasting hundreds of lives and risking his own, to reclaim a worthless scrap of land in Poland. True
What does the Ghost do when approached? Fade Away
Hamlet may pretend to be a madman, and he makes the guards swear not to give the slightest hint that they know anything about his motives. True
Grief-stricken and outraged, Hamlet bursts upon the company, declaring in agonized fury his own love for Ophelia and leaps into the grave and fights with Laertes True
In Act III Sc iii Hamlet slips quietly into the room and steels himself to kill the unseeing Claudius. But suddenly it occurs to him that if he kills Claudius while he is praying, he will end the kings life at the moment when he was seeking forgiveness for his sins, sending Claudiuss soul to heaven. True
Where Hamlet has sunk into despair, contemplation, and indecision, Fortinbras has devoted himself to the pursuit of revenge. True
In Act IV Scenes v-vi Hamlet is gone, Polonius is dead and has been buried in secret, Ophelia is raving mad, and, as Claudius tells us, the common people are disturbed and murmuring among themselves. True
Hamlet takes place in Denmark during the late medieval period, though the plays chronological setting is notoriously imprecise. T
Fortinbras want: Land
Polonious was a close friend of Hamlet at the university in Wittenberg. F
Claudius says that he mourns his brother but has chosen to balance Denmarks mourning with the delight of his marriage. True
Laertes leaps into Ophelias grave to hold her once again in his arms. True
Polonius enters to bid his son farewell. He tells Laertes that he must hurry to his ship but then delays him by giving him a great deal of advice about how to behave with integrity and practicality. True
The presence of players and play-acting within the play points to an important theme: that real life is in certain ways like play-acting. True
Claudius sends of messangers to talk with Norway about Fortinbras’ requests.Select one: True
Horatio declares that the ghost must bring warning of impending misfortune for Denmark, perhaps in the form of a military attack. True
Horatio’s ability to accept the truth at once even when his predictions have been proved wrong indicates the fundamental trustworthiness of his character. T
Like Hamlet, Fortinbras is the grieving son of a dead king, a prince whose uncle inherited the throne in his place.Select one: T
Who first talks to Ophelia concerning her relationship with Hamlet? Laertes
Hamlet’s assault on Laertes offers a glimpse of what his true feelings for Ophelia might once have been. T
n Act III Sc iii Horatio enters and reminds the king of his plan to hide in Gertrude’s room and observe Hamlets confrontation with her. He promises to tell Claudius all that he learns. False
amlet resolves to devise a trap for Claudius, forcing the king to watch a play whose plot closely resembles the murder of Hamlets father. True
Gertrude reports Hamlet’s behavior in Act III Sc iv to Claudius after promising not to do so. True
Fortinbras is a young man who spends much of the play in France. He is passionate and quick to action.f F
In Act IV Sc V furious Laertes storms into the hall, fuming in his desire to avenge his fathers death. T
The gravediggers represent a humorous type commonly found in Shakespeares plays: the clever commoner who gets the better of his social superior through wit. At the Globe Theater, this type of character may have particularly appealed to the “groundlings,” the members of the audience who could not afford seats and thus stood on the ground. T
The Norwegian king, overjoyed, bequeathed upon Fortinbras a large annuity, and urged him to use the army he had assembled to attack the Poles instead of the Danes. T
That is, Hamlet is only “mad” at certain calculated times, and the rest of the time he knows what is what. T
Horatio declares that the ghost must bring warning of impending misfortune for Denmark, perhaps in the form of a military attack. T
The Ghost calls upon Hamlet to avenge him. T
Hamlet says in Act III Sc I that the miseries of life are such that no one would willingly bear them, except that they are afraid of “something after death”. Because we do not know what to expect in the afterlife, we would rather “bear those ills we have,” Hamlet says, “than fly to others that we know not of” T
n Act IV Sc i Horatio tells Claudius that Hamlet has killed Polonius. F
In Act III sc iv the queen says Hamlet’s action was a “rash and bloody” deed, and Hamlet replies that it was almost as rash and bloody as murdering a king and marrying his brother. T
Polonius has a plan. Hamlet often walks alone through the lobby of the castle, and, at such a time, they, King & Queen, could hide behind an arras (a curtain or wall hanging) while Ophelia confronts Hamlet, allowing them to see for themselves whether Hamlets madness really emanates from his love for her. F
Horatio wishes bitterly that God had not made suicide a sin. F
Claudious urges Hamlet to cast off his “nightly colour,” but Hamlet replies bitterly that his inner sorrow is so great that his dour appearance is merely a poor mirror of it. F
The Norwegian king, overjoyed, bequeathed upon Fortinbras a large annuity, and urged him to use the army he had assembled to attack the Poles instead of the Danes. T
Polonius enters to announce the arrival of the players, who follow him into the room. Hamlet welcomes them and entreats one of them to give him a speech about the fall of Troy and the death of the Trojan king and queen, Priam and Hecuba. T
The gravedigger, who does not recognize Hamlet as the prince, tells him that he has been a gravedigger since King Hamlet defeated the elder Fortinbras in battle, the very day on which young Prince Hamlet was born.Basically, the grave says he went to work the Hamlet was born.So using your very best logic with support from the play and your life, please prove to me what you believe. They day we are born, are we living or dying?Hints: Avoid contractions. Support everything with examples / stories to back up your ideas.Best of luck to you! ESSAY
The fragile beauty of flowers resembles Ophelia’s own fragile beauty. T
Gertrude reminds Hamlet that when a son loses a father, he is duty-bound to mourn, but to mourn for too long is unmanly and inappropriate. F