H eng. Romeo and Juliet acts 1-5 + no fear shakespeare character description

definition of Dichotomy a division into two opposing groups
definition of exposition the beginning of the play in which the characters, conflict, and setting are introduced
`definition of foreshadow predicts
definition of connotation associations, suggestions, and implication of a word beyond its dictionary definition
definition of oxymoron the use of paired opposites in a phrase or description; a situation, place or thing in which opposites coexist
definition of metaphor a comparison between two unlike things in which one thing is substituted for another
definition of paradox a statement or situation that seems contradictory but actually reveals a kind of truth
definition of Petrarchan lover a person in love with the idea of being in love
what are the ideals of a Petrarchan lover the lover must be melancholy for the sake of beloved, the beloved must resist (if not reject) the lover’s attentions; the lover must write beautifl poetry to woo the beloved; the lover must suffer from the pangs of unreguited love
definition of motif repeated patterns in actions, words, and objects that often call to mind a symbolic image. these images usually connect to larger themes in the story
definition of conceit an extended metaphor, in which the comparison between unlike things is drawn out for an entire stanza or poem
what are the themes of act 1 rebellion, lust, dichotomy, and paradox
what (or who) starts the brawl in act 1 the capulet and montague servants
in act 1 why do you think shakespeare begins with a fight it gets the audience’s attention right away and lets the audience know that the hatred runs very deep
how does Benvolio get invoved in the brawl in act 1 he tries to stop it and be a peacemaker
what is Tybalts response to benvolio trying to stop the brawl in act 1 he enjoys it and encourages a fight. he even challenges Benvolio to fight
what background info does the Prince provide about the feuding families in act 1 the capulet and montague fued is responsible for 3 street fights
describe Tybalts personality fiery, hot headed, quick to fight, quick to become angry
why does Shakespeare distinguish the speech b/w the servants and lords/ladies to show a difference b/w the two and distinguish who is proper
if the citizens of Verona appear quickly on the scene armed and ready to stop the fight, what does this tell you about the history before the play begins the families fight often
how does the info “the families fight often” foreshadow the rest of the play it tells the viewers that there will be many fights and encounters
why are Romeo’s parents worried about him in act 1 they dont know where he is
what kind of a mood has Romeo been in lately in act 1 depressed
what are 2 oxymorons Romeo uses to describe love in act 1 (love is blind but makes you do whateber it wants, brawling love, loving hate, sad happiness, serious foolishness, beautiful things in an ugly mess, heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick healthy, asleep and awake)
what does Romeo using oxymorons to describe love tell you about the way that he feels about love he is conflicted
what are a couple of the metaphors that Romeo uses to describe love in act 1 smoke, fire, sea
what are the connotations of some of the words Romeo used to describe love in act 1 smoke – not even being real, over with quickly. fire – destruction, warmth. sea – fun, peaceful, sharks, danger
how is Romeo being a petrarchan lover in this scene in act 1 his love is not returned, he likes the idea of love more than actual love, everything is based on outside appearance
what qualifications of a petrarchan lover does Romeo fill in act 1 given himself to his lover, self-conciously suffering, melodramatic
what is benvolio’s solution to Romeo’s problem in act 1 find other beautiful women
what are Capulet and Paris talking about in act 1 scene 2 marriage to Juliet
how old is juliet 13
what is Capulet’s position on the subject of his and Paris’s conversation in act 1 scene 2 wait 2 years, win her over
what is Capulets proposal to Paris regarding Juliet in act 1 scene 2 win her heart
how does Romeo get “invited” to the party in act 1 scene 2 he asks the servant about the party and the servant invited him not knowing that he was a montague
why does Benvolio want Romeo to go to the party he asks the servant about the party and the servant invited him not knowing that he was a montague
why does Benvokio want Romeo to go to the party in act 1 scene 2 so Romeo can compare Rosaline to other people
what does lady capulet want in act 1 scene 3 to talk to Juliet about marriage to Paris
what is the conceit that lady capulet uses to describe paris a book
what does act 1 scene 3 tell the reader about the relationship b/w Juliet and her nurse juliet is closer to her nurse than her own mother
what is the nurse’s opinion of paris in act 1 scene 3 she likes him
what is decided b the end of act 1 scene 3 juliet will consider marriage to Paris with her mother and nurse’s consent and if she likes him
how is lady capulet’s attitude toward Juliet’s possible marriage different from her husbands in act 1 scene 3 she is very eager for her daughter to get married and her husband wants to wait 2 years
how does romeo’s mood contrast with his friends in act 1 scene 4 he is more upbeat and happy
who is queen mab queen of the fairies
what feelings about dreams does mercutio express in his queen mab monologue in act 1 scene 4 that dreams are fantasies
how does mercutio’s view of love differ from Romeo’s in act 1 scene 4 mercutio is lighthearted about love and romeo takes it very seriously
why does Tybalt which to quarrel with romeo in act 1 scene 5 because he is a montague and he has come uninvited to the party, he also assumes that romeo has come to stir things up
what characteristics of tybal and his uncle are revealed by their discussion tybalt is impulsive, quick to anger, agressive, ready for a fight. his uncle (lord capulet) is cool, calm, reasonable, thoughtful
why won’t capulet let tybalt fight romeo in act 1 scene 5 because it would ruin the party and all of verona likes Romeo
how does romeo react when he first sees juliet in act 1 scene 5 love at first sight
what does Romeo compare Juliet to in act 1 scene 5 light, jewel, dove
“my only love, sprung from my only hate!/ too early seen unknown, and known too late” what does Juliet mean in these lines she fell in love with a montague (romeo) before she knew he was a montague
who said “my only love, sprung from my only hate!/ too early seen unknown, and known too late” Juliet
what tells you about the Nurse’s superficial views of love and marriage in lines 112-116 she views love as whoever marry’s her is going to be wealthy
besides the fight that opened the play, where else do you see the potential for rebellion? why? what factors in the play are encouraging if not causing the future rebellion? whole act ?s in act 1 tybalt and romeo bc romeo came to the party and tybalt wasnt going to let it go. romeo and juliet fall in love. the feud is causing and encouraging rebellion
where in the play do you see a person, place or thing possessing two opposite qualities at the same time? what is interesting about this paradox? whole act ?s in act 1 love; at the beginning romeo hated love bc the person he loved didnt love him back but then he meets juliet and his view of love switches
how does mercutio view love in act 2 scene 1 its only physical, lighthearted
what is a soliloquy and how is it used in act 2 scene 2 a solo speech by one character that shows whats going on in that characters head
what kind of love is romeo experienceing when he sees juliet? is it real love? in act 2 scene 2 lust
why does juliet want romeo to give up his name in act 2 scene 2 because his name is keeping them apart
why would juliet’s family kill romeo if they found him on her balcony in act 2 scene 2 bc romeo is a montague
how does romeo feel at the possibility of being killed by the capulets in act 2 scene 2 he doesnt care
how does romeo learn of juliets love for him in act 2 scene 2 he overhears her saying it
what does romeo say helped him climb over the high walls of the capulet orchard and find juliets window in act 2 scene 2 love
what do romeo and juliet plan to do the next day in act 2 scene 2 get married
why does juliet ask romeo not to swear by the moon bc it changes and if you swear on something that changes, the thing swore about could change too
is there a motif of time (haste vs. slowness) in act 2 scene 2 too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, to like the lightening
where is the motif in in act 2 scene 2 lines 117-120
are the references of the motif in act 2 scene 2 to time positive or negative negative
how is act 2 scene 2 between the lovers both romantic and dangerous. is the romance enhanced the by danger they declare their love for one another, its dangerous bc of who their families are; yes
why did the friar object to romeos love for rosaline in act 2 scene 3 his love for rosaline was not true love
why does the firar object to romeos love to juliet act 2 scene 3 his love for juliet is moving too fast. also based on looks
why, despite the misgivings of romeo and juliets love, does the friar agree to marry romeo and juliet he thinks it will bring the 2 families together
what is happening with tybalt in act 2 scene 4 tybalt sent romeo a letter that challenges him to a duel
how is tybalt described by mercutio as the prince of cats who was sly and a good fighter. but mercutio was still mocking his name
how is a new romeo introduced to audience in act 2 scene 4 romeo is happier and cheerful
what evidence is there that the nurse is protective of juliet in act 2 scene 4 the nurse goes to romeo to make sure that he is serious about juliet
what is the rope ladder for in act 2 scene 4 so romeo can climb into juliet’s window
to what does juliet attribute her nurse’s tardiness; how does this illustrate the one of the main motifs in the play (youth vs. age) in act 2 scene 5 she is old; young people tend to move fast and old people move slow
what evidence is there to show that the nurse views love as only physical in act 2 scene 5 she only spoke about romeo’s physical attributes
what is the firar’s prayer at the beginning of act 2 scene 6 he was asking God to bless their marriage so they dont regret it later on
how many people know of the marriage; who are they 4; the nurse, romeo, juliet and the friar
where does the marriage take place in act 2 scene 6 friar lawrence’s cell (a room in the monistary)
in what way is mercuio responsible for his own death in act 3 scene 1 mercutio challenged the best sword fighter
why does romeo refuse tybalts challenge in act 3 scene 1 tybalt and romeo are now family by marriage
who is most responsible for the fight and why tybalt because he started it all
what role does romeo play in mercutio’s death in act 3 scene 1 romeo gets revenge and kills tybalt
whom does romeo blame indirectly for mercutios death himself
explain why romeo blames himself indirectly for mercutios death he ordered the two to fight
what is romeos punishment for the murder exited from verona
why does juliet wish darkness to come in act 3 scene 2 because romeo goes to her at night
what metaphors does juliet use to describe romeo in act 3 scene 4 a day that comes during the night, whiter than snow on the black wings of a raven
the nurse’s inability to deliver a clear message gives juliet some agonizing moments. what incorrect assumptions does juliet make in act 3 scene 2 romeo has killed himself
why is juliet so upset with the prince’s judgement in act 3 scene 2 she cant see romeo anymore
how is the nurse able to comfort juliet in act 3 scene 2 she gets romeo
why is romeo so upset with the princes judgement in act 3 scene 3 he wont see juliet anymore
describe how the firar feels about romeo at this point. what advice does he give romeo in act 3 scene 3 firar tells him that hes being unthankful. go to mancua and wait for everything to settle down
why would capulet be so confident that juliet will obey him and marry paris in act 3 scene 4 because she was very obedient when paris was first presented as her suitor
why would capulet want to move the wedding to thursday because they dont want juliet to fall into a depression
why does it matter which bird is chirping outside the window in act 3 scene 5 it signifies something. when you hear a lark it is very early in the morning
when juliet and romeo finally say goodbye what other scene does this parallel act 2 scene 2
in lines 88-107 juliet and her mother converse. what is interesting about their conversation in act 3 scene 5 juliet’s words could have a double meaning
why is capulet so upset by his daughters refusal to marry in act 3 scene 4 because shes never done this before
what punishment does capulet threaten to juliet if she refuses to marry in act 3 scene 5 he will disown her and cast her out of the house
what are juliets options in act 3 scene 5 suicide, disobey her ather, marry paris, run to romeo, seek advice and help
who is responsible for the fight in act 3 tybalt and mercutio
why are tybalt and mercutio responsible for the fight in act 3 they started it all
who is responsible for the death of mercutio in act 3 mercutio, romeo, tybalt
why is mercutio responsible for his own death in act 3 he initiates the fight
why is romeo responsible for mercutios death in act 3 he stepped in b/w the fight
why is tybalt responsible for mercutios death in act 3 he actually killed mercutio
how has juliets or any other characters identity changed during this act juliet is married, she used to be quiet and dependent and now she is rebelling and being independent
where is the theme of dichotomy and paradox most evident in act 3. why. in Juliets speech when she expresses that she has conflicting feelings about romeo
how are where does the motif of light vs. darkness appear in this act. how is darkness a place of safety for the lovers in act 3 and in the previous acts in scene 2 juliets 1st speech. darkness is the only place they can be together and not fear that someone will find them and separate them
how does the motif of youth vs. age appear in this act romeo is quick to respond, passionately, impulsively. friar lawrence is calm, thoughtful, things through everything.
what evidence of foreshadowing is there in act 3 when romeo is climbing down her window Juliet says “as i am looking down on you going away is like im looking down in your grave”
where do we see dramatic irony in act 3 we know that juliet is already married but no one else knows especially her parents. her parents are mad at her about not wanting to marry Paris.
what is subtext the words beneath a character’s dialogue that represent feelings NOT being shared
what is the dramatic irony of act 4 scene 1’s opening we know that romeo and juliet are married but no one else does
accoring to paris, why has capulet decided to move up to wedding in act 4 scene 1 because he feels that juliet is mourning too much for tybalt
what is the subtext of juliet’s words to paris in act 4 scene 1 she really means i cannot marry you im already married but paris thinks shes just being hard to get
what are the 6 steps to firar lawrences plan in act 4 scene 1 1. go home and agree to marry paris. 2. go to bed alone 3. drink the vial that friar gave her which makes her go to sleep and make her look dead. 4. the potion will make her sleep for 42 hours and her parents will bury her in a vault. 5. friar will send romeo a letter informing him of the plan 6. romeo will take juliet to mantua when she wakes
what decision does capulet make in act 4 scene 2 that has tragic consequences. why does he make it. he moves up to marriage an entire day. because he doesnt want juliet to change her mind about marrying paris
paraphrase Juliets soliloquy in act 4 scene 3 she is scared to take the potion because she was thingking that friar poisoned it and she was scared of being in the tomb because she would be surrounded by dead bodies
what are the dramatic purposes of Juliets soliloquy in act 4 scene 3 it shows risk of juliet taking the vial and something going wrong.
what are the dramatic purposes of act 4 scene 4. (why would shakespeare include a happy scene right before a sad scene) to get the hopes up of the audience
comepare the reactions of the nurse, lady capulet, lord capulet, and paris when they find juliet’s death the nurse was extremely upset and everyone else was more concerned about the wedding being canceled.
what is friar lawrences part in this scene regarding his and juliets plan he was to calm the sadness and feelings of the capulets
how can the theme of masks be seen in act 4. how does juliet wear a mask in fron of paris in act 4. when does juliet drop the mask. she wears a mask bc she cant show that she is married to romeo in from of everyone. she only drops the mask when shes by herself and with romeo or the friar
what are 2 examples of figurative language in act 4 scene 5 in lord capulets speeches regarding juliets death she was a flower deflowered by him. death is my son-in-law death is my heir
what evidence of foreshadowing is there in the opening scene of act 5 scene 1 when romeo dreamed that juliet found him dead
what news does balthasar bring to romeo in act 5 scene 1 juliet is dead
what is the signifiance of romeos line “is it e’en so? then i defy you stars” act 5 scene 1 by defying the stars he defies fate and takes matters into his own hands
how is romeos frustration with the world evident later in the scene when he talks to the apothecary act 5 scene 1 “the world is not your friend and the law is not your friend”
what metaphor does romeo use to describe gold in act 5 scene 1 he calls it poison
why does romeo call the poison that the apothecary gives him a “cordial” rather than what it is in act 5 scene 1 because when it kills him he will die and be with juliet. if he lived he wouldnt be with juliet and would have no life bc juliet is his life
what important info do we receive in act 5 scene 2 regarding friar lawrences letter to romeo the letter never got sent
how does the information we got in act 5 scene 2 regarding the letter to romeo fulfill mercutio’s curse in act 3 “a plague o’ both your houses” an actual plague has stopped the friar’s letter from reaching romeo which wouldve saved everything that is about to happen
why is paris a juliets grave in act 5 scene 3 he is mourning her and bringing her flowers
why does paris think that romeo is at juliets grave in act 5 scene 3 romeo is going to mess with the bodies as one final act of vengence on the capulets
where do you see the motif of light and darkness in act 5 scene 3 he says that juliet’s beauty makes the grave light up (the light). he says that lord capulet personifies death (darkness)
what is ironic about romeos lines (101-105) “death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty” in act 5 scene 3 because shes not death which is why she doesnt look dead
where do you see an oxymoron in act 5 scene 3 oh happy dagger. left thou no friendly drop of poison
what causes lady montague’s death in act 5 scene 3 grief over romeos exile
how do the families decide to honor romeo and juliet the capulets will build a golden statue of romeo and the montagues will build a golden statue of juliet
how have the two lovers fulfilled the destiny spoken of in the prologue in act 5 scene 3 the ended their families fued by ending their lives
describe Romeo Montague, young, good looking, intelligent, sensitive, only interested in love, immature, impulsive
describe Juliet Capulet, young, beautiful, naive, thought little about love, trusting
describe Mercutio kinsman to the prince, friend of romeos, witty, strange, hot headed, views love as lust
describe Friar Lawrence friend to romeo and juliet, kind, civi-minded, always ready with a plan
describe the nurse juliets nurse, took care of juliet her entire life, long winded, sentimental, comic relief, faithful friend to Juliet
describe Tybalt a capulet, Juliets cousin on her moms side, vain, fashionable, aware of courtesy and the lack of it, aggressive, violent, quick to fight
describe Capulet patriarch of the capulet family, Juliets father, husband to Lady Capulet, enemy of any montague
describe Lady Capulet Juliet’s mother, Capulet’s wife, married young, eager to see her daughter marry Paris, ineffectual mother, relies on the nurse for moral and pragmatic support
describe Montague Romeos father, the patriarch of the Montague family, enemy to any capulet
describe Lady Montague Romeos mother, Montagues wife, dies of grief after Romeo is exiles from Verona
describe Paris a kinsman of the prince, suitor of Juliet
describe Benvolio Montague’s nephew, Romeos cousin, thoughtful friend, genuinely tries to end violent scenes in public, tries to help Romeo get his mind off Rosaline
describe the Prince Escalus prince of Verona, kinsman of Mercutio and Paris, has the seat of political power in Verona, only concerned about public peace
describe Balthasar romeo’s dedicated servant, brings Romeo the news of Juliet’s death
describe Sampson and Gregory two servants of the Capulet’s, hate the Montagues, provoke the Montague men to fight at beginning of play
describe Abram Montague’s servant, fights with Sampson and Gregory
describe the apothecary apothecary in mantua, refused to sell poison to Romeo
describe Peter a capulet servant who invites guests to Capulets feats and escorts the nurse to meet with Romeo. illiterate
describe Rosaline woman that romeo loved at the beginning