FINAL: The Tempest Act 3-5

who is involved in the plot to kill Prospero Caliban convinced Stephano and Trinculo to agree to kill P
what does Caliban want Stephano and Trinculo to do BEFORE the kill P get the books then kill him
what do Prospero’s books represent to Prospero AND to Shakespeare for Prospero:source of all of his magic- P is COMPLETELY vulnerable (powerless) without them –puts him at the same powerless level as Calibanfor Shakespeare:–by own admission, P admits he neglected his duty as a ruler and buried his nose in books which isolated from the rest of the world…Shakespeare is warning us that buring yourself in their art is dangerously isolating
how does Caliban view the island in “I cried to dream again” speech –what does this contrast with very beautiful speechsees island as beautiful & island = theatre, a place of waking dreams–he celebrates the theatre for its beauty and power to evoke imaginative visions even if they are empty, mere dreamscontrasts with Prospero’s weary speech about the emptiness of theatre
“I cried to dream again” speech connection to real Renaissance world theatre was a new medium in the Renaissance and there were anxieties about its proper use
where is evil seen in this play and at what tone for each 1. Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano–somewhat comical and unthreatening 2. Antonio and Sebastian–more serious
what Prospero try to do about evil–what is the result of his effort he tries to confront it and uses theatre to teach these characters a lesson to make them goodresult: he ultimately fails
how does Prospero try to teach Italian characters a lesson puts on a spectacle where a banquet is placed before them then disappears–Ariel and his fellow spirits carry table of good good on stage: seeming inviting to eat–when they start to eat, Ariel returns as a Harpy and tries to give Antonio (and implicitly Sebastian) a guilt trip—-freezes them in place
what part of the magic of the theatre does Shakespeare highlight when the food disappears–what does Prospero feel he has after the spectacle the machinery of the theatre (including trap doors) but only to reveal how fake it is, how ultimately emptyfeels he has them in his power
how Prospero’s power connect to Shakespeare’s power like Shakespeare:1. Prospero uses to magic to manipulate and dazzle (like a skillful director)2. Prospero renounces his magic–Shakespeare knows this is his last play he’ll write alone
what is the second show Prospero creates for Miranda and Ferdinand’s wedding, P feels duty bound to create a show–has a hint of exhaustion or felt complusion
What does “vanity” mean in “some vanity of mine art?” points to the emptiness or unimportance of the shows he creates–his art = creating spectacle/shows
what appears during the second play to celebrate M and F’s marriage 3 goddess: Iris, Ceres and Juno”enact my present fancies” -Prospero–meaning: spirits are released from prison through his magic to create the show he fantasies about
Iris the messenger of the Greek Gods
Ceres the goddess of grain and fruitfulness–played by Ariel
Juno the goddess of marriage, descends in a chariot
what is the second play a play-within-a-play–combo of dialogue, music and dance
why did Shakespeare include this second play? the audience was probably quite absorbed (or even entranced) with this “magical” spectacle BECAUSE one of the pleasures of the early modern theatre was magic and dance–it is a celebration of magical power of theatre
what is Ferdinand’s response to the second play he loves it and wants to live on the island forever–praises how wise Prospero is and calls place a “paradise”
why is the second play interrupted “I had forgot!”Prospero remembers Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban’s plan to kill him –they are on their way now–also hints at Antonio, Sebastian and Alonso
why is the interruption so upsetting (2) 1. it reminds Prospero that theatre can’t change anyone or fix any real problems2. it can only distract but it is ultimately empty
what speech does Prospero give that contrasts with Caliban’s speech about the beauty of the island with its illusions–connection to Shakespeare in real life? The Great Globe speech–suddenly Prospero thinks his work putting on plays is futileconnection: the name of Shakespeare’s theatre was “The Globe:–in P’s speech: “The great globe itself”
what is the whole Great Globe speech saying talking to Ferdinand who looks like something is bothering him, so Prospero reassures him: –the music and dance spectacle is over–actors were all spirits who melted into thin air–like whole vision he saw was empty–everyone is made up of dreams –“the great globe itself”: he is saying the world and everyone in it (audience) will dissolve just like those spirits did leaving nothing behind to remember them
what other speech does the Great Globe speech connect to–connection to Shakespeare? All the World’s a Stage in As You Like It:speech moves from complaining that everything on the island is theatrical, fake and artificial to complaining that everything in life is theatrical, fake and artificial –similar perspective to Jacques in AYLIseems like this is Shakespeares perspective, now, at the end of his career
why does Shakespeare see the world as theatrical, fake and artificial he has looked at the world through the filter of theatre so long and he started to think everything and everyone is theatrical and artificial–this insight could be liberating (as it was for Bottom) or depressing (as it is for Jacque and Prospero)
who interferes with Caliban’s conspiracy Ariel leads them astray into pond of stale water as they are trying to make their way across the island–A brings them beautiful clothes that they “steal” and dress in to be finally driven out by spirits in the shape of dogs and hounds
while the celebration of M & F’s marriage is going on, what is going on with Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo after banquet show, Prospero has frozen Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo–now, Ariel reports on them and Prospero worries Ariel feels more compassion than he does
what is Prospero touchy about during the banquet show–connection to Shakespeare? touchy whether Ariel, who is not human, has more compassion than he doeshints that Shakespeare is concerned about his own moral character after many years working in the theatre
who says “rough magic I’ll abjure” and what does it mean Prospero tells Ariel that he will give up his magical/theatrical powers
what do the staff and book represent to Prospero his powers and control–he is completely vulnerable and human without them–these were the powers he used to summon the tempest and restore order in Milan and Naples
what do the staff and book represent to Shakespeare the power of his words and ideas–when Prospero renounces his magic, Shakespeare knows this will be his last play he writes alone–as P breaks his staff, Shakespeare is putting down his pen and speaking about his retirement from theatre
how is forgiveness protrayed in this play as Alonso, Antonio, Sebastian and Gonzalo gradually start to wake up, P has already forgiven them before they actually are awake
overall, why was the banquet spectacle created it was designed to teach these evil characters a lesson and them better
what is unclear about the resolution of the banquet spectacle–connection to real theatre seems unclear whether P has been able to make them sorry or to change them–he doesn’t ask because the answer might not be what he wantsconnection: fear the theatre is ultimately powerless to effect real change in people and in the world
after reconciling with the Italian characters, what was Prospero reveal he reveals to Alonso his son Ferdinand is alive and engaged to marry P’s daughter Miranda–reveals by pulling back a curtain to reveal them playing chess
how does Miranda view Italy after seeing the other Italian characters? “a brave new world”
what happens to Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano they are driven onto the stage in the stolen fancy clothes
how does Prospero view Caliban in the end–connection to what? Prospero admits some responsibility for Caliban: “this thing of darkness…”–Caliban is debased but at the same time Prospero feels some responsibility for making him that wayconnection to English society: context of colonialism
what happens to Ariel in the end he is freed
what is a rapier a thin, elegant sword–fairly typical thing to be worn by well-dressed men in the Renaissance
what is the image of Prospero in “hat and rapier” P has been wearing a “magical gown” of some kind to distinguish him as the master of illusions and spectacles on the islandNOW, IN THE FINAL SCENEhe dresses as a normal, conventional, even anonymous citizen
how is the image of Prospero in “hat and rapier” a powerful connection to Shakespeare this is a powerful image of Shakespeare ALSO giving up his special status and authority and becoming a conventional person, leaving behind the theatre and disappearing into the crowd of people going home (as he was going home to Stratford)
who says the Epilogue Prospero
How is the epilogue delivered half in character and half Shakespeare himself, the author of the play, bidding farewell”Now my charms are all o’erthrown, / And what strength I have’s mine own”–meaning: Shakespeare is asking only that we appreciate what he has done and humbly takes his leave on us to disappear quietly, letting his words work magic long after he’s gone
what did Shakespeare do after writing this play he spent a little more time in London wrapping up his affairs–helped a couple younger playwrights with plays, almost as if he was training them to take over for himTHEN, returned to Stratford to live the life of a prosperous country gentleman–bought biggest house in Stratford, called “New Place” as well as farmland that he rented out—-Shakespeare was always good with money
Shakespeare’s death died on April 23, 1616 (prob the same calendar date he was born on)–buried in the main church in Stratford under a stone slab that had a carved little verse Shakespeare probably wrote himself