English Vocab Test – Macbeth Act 3 & 4

desolate (adj) barren, uninhabited
virtuous (adj) conforming to moral or ethical principles
avaricious (adj) greedy
impediment (n) hindrance, obstacle
hoodwink (v) to deceive or trick
integrity (n) honesty
recoil (v) to draw back
abjure (v) to renounce, to give up
braggart (n) a person who is boastful
judicious (adj) fair; having the ability to make good decisions
laudable (adj) praiseworthy
conjure (v) to call upon with magic
confound (v) to confuse; to destroy
resolute (adj) determined, firm
pernicious (adj) causing harm; fatal
wayward (adj) disobedient; turned or turning away from what is right or proper
wrathful (adj) full of intense anger or hatred
destiny (n) seemingly inevitable succession of events; fate
pious (adj) not genuinely showing devotion (usually religious)
delinquent (n) a person who does not follow the law
tyrant (n) an evil ruler or monarch who usually takes power by force
malevolence (n) hatred; malice
ratify (v) to confirm by expressing approval
homage (n) respect
jovial (adj) cheerful, friendly, humorous
assail (v) to make a violent attack, to assault
jocund (adj) cheerful, merry
nonpareil (adj) peerless; having no equal
imposter (n) a fraud, a fake; a person who practices deception
infirmity (n) a physical weakness or sickness
mirth (n) amusement; laughter
tedious (adj) long and tiresome
posterity (n) descendants; succeeding or future generations
verities (n) something that is true as in a belief, idea, or statement
oracle (n) a prophecy
indissoluble (adj) incapable of being dissolved or destroyed
grave (adj) serious or solemn
bestow (v) to present as a gift; archaic definition: to house or to store
parricide (n) the act of killing a relative
dauntless (adj) fearless
rebuke (v) to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprimand
lassitude (n) feeling of weariness; languor
ruminate (v) to contemplate, to ponder
nefarious (adj) very wicked; evil
mendacious (adj) false; lying