English Vocab Macbeth

brandish Synonym: to wave something in a threatening wayDefinition: to wave something about, especially a weapon, in a menacing, theatrical, or triumphant wayDirect Definition: BJ brandished his sword, or waved his sword in a threatening way, to make his opponents frightened.
plight Synonym: a dangerous situationDefinition: a difficult and dangerous situation, especially a sad or desperate predicament. Contrast: Unlike the difficult plight Hobby was in, Gabe wasn’t in any bad situation.
minion Synonym: a slavish followerDefinition: a servile or slavish follower of somebody generally regarded as important.Example: the rich man had a minion, a slavish follower or servile that does anything the rich man wants him/her to do.
lavish Synonym: to giveDefinition: given or produced in abundance or to excess; to give or spend something generously or to excess.Direct Definition: The woman lavished, or gave, clothes to the people that don’t have much clothes.
harbinger Synonym: foreshadowDefinition: Somebody or something that foreshadows or anticipates a future event.Contrast: Unlike the other words in Macbeth, the words: blood, hand, night and sleep foreshadow something that is going to happen later in the book
rapt Synonym: fascinated Definition: involved in, fascinated by, or concentrating on something to the exclusion of everything else.Example: He was very rapt by the math problem; he was so fascinated by the math problem that he was concentrating very hard and not paying attention to anything else.
missives Synonym: a letterDefinition: a letter or other written communication, often formal or legal communication.Direct Definition: I sent a missive, or a letter, to my friends in Louisiana.
metaphysical relating to the philosophical study of nature of being and beings or a philosophical system resulting from such studyGood and evil are metaphysically linked through space and time.
beguile to win and hold somebody’s attention, interest, or devotion; to mislead or deceive somebodyHer laughter was beguiling because I knew she was sad.
sovereign the ruler or permanent head of a state, especially a king or queen; self-governing and not ruled by any other state; having supreme authority or powerThe 4th of July marks the anniversary of our country’s sovereignty
augment to add to something in order to make it larger or more substantial, or to grow in this way
equivocate to speak vaguely or ambiguously, especially in order to mislead
sacrilegious grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred
perturbation an unhappy and worried mental state
entreaty an attempt to persuade someone to do something