English Final Exam Twelfth Night

Part 1: Literary Terms LITERARY TERMS: For each Literary Term on the study guide (Acts I-V), give a (1) definition AND (2) an example of the term from the drama.
Act 1
Dramatic Irony (1): When the audience knows something that a character or characters do not. (2): When the audience knows that Viola is a woman and only Viola and the captain knows that.
Aside (1): Something that is spoken by one character that is not heard by other characters. Breaking the fourth wall for a moment then going back. (2): When Viola says that she will try to win Olivia’s heart for the Duke, she then tells herself that no matter whose heart she pursues for him, she would like to be his wife.
Couplet (1) Two verses that rhyme. (2): “Away before me to sweet beds of flowers! Love thoughts lie rich when canopied with bowers” (Shakespeare 10). This quote is said by the Duke when he is telling Valentine to take him to the gardens because thoughts of love are nurtured by the outdoors. Also, when we find out that Viola likes the Duke. “[Aside] yet, a barful strife! Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife” (Shakespeare 30).
Allusion (1): A reference to something. (2): When Viola says that her brother is in Elysium.
Act 2:
Suspension of disbelief (1): The temporary acceptance of something that seems impossible. Believe the unbelievable. To stop your disbelief in order to make the story more enjoyable. 2): people not realizing the change of voice between Viola and Sebastian and how they don’t realize who is who.
Comedy (1): A literary genre; something that is amusing and mostly has a happy ending. Some Things that Shakespearean comedy has- something good happens and something bad happens, dramatic irony (suspense) [caused by trickery and misconceptions and deceptions], and dark humor. 2): When Malvolio thinks that Olivia loves him (Maria, Sir Toby, Fabian, and SIr Andrew played a trick on him).
Soliloquy (1): When someone speaks aloud to themselves when they are alone to show the audience their thoughts and feelings. (2): When Viola is talking aloud by herself about how Olivia loves her (just after Malvolio left).
Act 3:
Eye Rhymes (1): When two words are spelled similar, but they do not sound the same (can sound the same). (2) Ex: Love and move.
There are no literary terms for acts 4 & 5
Part 2: QuotesQUOTES: For each of the quotes (1-10) , identify the following:Who said it?What was happening?Write a brief summary of what it “means” or what it is saying.
Act 1:
Duke Orsino; Someone was playing music and he was listening in his house; He wants to have too much love so that his appetite for it is lessened. He wants this to happen because he is depressed because Olivia does not love him. He is sick of being in love. Love is bitter sweet to him. ON EXAM!!! “If music be the food of love, play on/Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,/ The appetite may sicken, and so die…” (I.i.1-3).
Viola; She, the captain, and some sailors had just washed up on shore; Because the society thinks less of women, without her brother to help her live, she will become a peasant. She is also daughter of the leader of the country that Illyria is at war with (he is dead, but he used to be the leader). Allusion- Elysium (Greek heaven). ON EXAM!!! “And what should I do in Illyria?/ My brother he is in Elysium” (I.ii.3-4) (might be a good idea to know what literary device this is this an example of).
Viola/Cesario; The Duke has just sent her to win the heart of Olivia for him and now she is talking under her breath. She is talking about how she loves him and wants to be his wife. Literary device- aside and couplet “Yet a barful strife!/Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife” (I.iv.43-44).
Act 2:
Duke Orsino said it; He said it while talking to Viola/Cesario about his love for Olivia; It means that the Duke thinks that it is a miracle that she is so beautiful and that she is a queens of gems (the most beautiful gem of them all). “But tis that miracle and queen of gems/ That nature pranks her in attracts my soul” (II.iv.88-89).
Act 3:
Feste said it; He said it when him and Viola were talking; It means that sentences can be good or they can be turned bad. Means word can I have two meanings. “A sentence is but a/ cheveril glove to a good wit: how quickly the wrong side may be turned outward” (III.i.10-12).
Viola said it; She said it when her and Olivia were talking about Olivia’s love for Viola and the Duke’s love for Olivia in the garden; It means that the Duke is depressed about Olivia not loving him as much as Olivia loves Viola. It means that duke is depressed about Olivia not loving him. “With the same ‘havior that your passion bears/ Goes my master’s grief” (III.iv.184-85).
There are no quotes for act 4.
Act 5:
Duke Orsino said it; When the Duke found out that Viola/Cesario married Olivia (it was actually Sebastian); It means that Cesario can take Olivia and to never come to see the Duke again. “Oh thou dissembling cub!…/Farewell, and take her; but direct thy feet/ Where thou and I henceforth may never meet” (V.i.171-72).
Viola/Cesario said it; When Viola/Cesario was about to leave with the Duke and Olivia asks her/him where she/he is going; It means that Viola/Cesario loves the Duke more than she loves Olivia. “After him I love/ More than I love these eyes, more than my life,/ More, by all mores, than e’er I shall love wife” (V.i.133-35).
Duke Orsino said it; When the Duke just found out that Cesario is actually a woman in disguise; It means that the Duke is telling Viola to let the Duke see her true identity. “If this be so . . ./Give me thy hand,/And let me see thee in thy woman’s weeds” (V.i.275-76).