As You Like It, Shakespeare, EN 413 – Achuff

who, when”Good monsieur Charles, what’s the new news at the new court?” Oliver1.1
who, when”What think you of falling in love?””Marry, I prithee do, to make sport withal; but neither than with safety of a pure blush thou mayst in honor come off again.” RosalindCelia1.2have fun, but don’t really fall in love
who, when, meaning”Can I not say “I thank you?” My better parts are all thrown down and that which here stands up is but a quintain, a mere lifeless block.” Orlando1.2wrestling imagery and reference for love at first sight upon meeting Rosalind
who, when, meaning”Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile, hath not old custom made this life more sweet than that of painted pomp?” Duke Senior2.1prefers country life to city life
who, when, meaning”And churlish chiding of the winter’s wind, which, when it bites and blows upon my body even till i shrink with cold, i smile and say, “This is not flattery.” Duke Senor2.2the cold is better than the worst of court life; nature can teach things
who, when, meaning”O, thou didst then never love so heartily! If thou rememb’rest not the slightest folly that ever love did make thee run into, thou hast not loved. Or if thou hast not sat as I do now, wearying thy hearer in thy mistress’ praise, thou hast not loved. Or if thou hast not broke from company abruptly, as my passion now makes me, thou hast not loved. O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe.” Silvius2.4if you can’t stop taking about someone, if you lose you self awareness, you have not loved.
who, when, meaning”All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” Jaques2.7everyone has a part, and the world is a stage !!!
who, when, meaning”everything about you demonstrating a careless desolation. But you are no such man: you are rather point-devise in you accoutrements, as loving yourself than seeming the lover of any other.” Rosalind3.2tells Orlando he is too put together to be in love
who, when, meaning”Sell when you can, you are not for all markets. Cry the man mercy, love him, take his offer; foul is most foul, being foul to be a scoffer; so take her to thee, shepherd. Fare you well.” Rosalind3.5Phebe falls in love with Ganymede at first sight, so Rosalind encourages Phebe to choose Silvius instead
who, when, meaning”I’ll write to him a very taunting letter, and thou shalt bear it. Wilt thou, Silvius?” Phebe4.1Phebe asks Silvius to help her write a letter to Ganymede. Silvius agrees
who, when, meaning”Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing? Come sister, you shall be the priest and marry us. Give me your hand, Orland. What do you say, sister?” Rosalind4.1asks Celia to marry her to Orlando
who, when, meaning”‘Twas I. But ’tis not I. I do not shame to tell you what I was, since my conversion so sweetly tastes, being the thing I am.” Oliver5.1his heart has softened toward Orlando
who, when, meaning”no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason; no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy: and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage, which they will climb incontinent.” Rosalind5.2stairs to marriage
who, when, meaning”I have promised to make all this matter even. Keep you your word, O duke, to give your daughter; you yours, Orlando, to reveive his daughter; keep you your word, Phebe that you’ll marry me, or else, refusing me, to wed this shepherd; keep your word, Silvius, that you’ll marry her if she refuse me; and from hence I go, to make these doubts all even.” Rosalind5.4this is Rosalind’s demonstration of power, that she has worked everything out and will see to its completion
who, when, meaning”Where, meeting with an old religious man, after some question with him, was converted both from his enterprise and from the world, his crown bequeathing to his banished brother.” Jaques de Boys5.4both brothers are converted; Duke Senor has chosen monastary life