Act 3 Scene 1 Hamlet

Summary Claudius and Polonius use Ophelia as a decoy when they spy on Hamlet, and the kind decides to send Hamlet to England
What does the king suspect? Hamlet’s antic disposition and purposely foolish behavior
What were Rosencrantz and Guildenstern able to get out of Hamlet? nothing – he didn’t not give them any sight into his madness and was unwilling to be questioned -they found out nothing about his confusion
What seemed to make Hamlet happy? the arrival of the players who are planned to perform for him tonight
lawful espials licensed spies
What is Claudius’ and Polonius plan? -they will have Hamlet encounter Ophelia as if by accident, and Claudius and Polonius will be spy on them and be a judge of whether is affliction is out of love or not q
What does the queen hope is discovered from Polonius and Claudius spying on Hamlet? She hopes they discover that it is Ophelia’s beauty that drives his wildness and that he virtues can bring him back to himself again
What is Ophelia’s explanation for being alone when Hamlet walks by, as part of the plan? She will be reading a book on religious duty to explain her being alone -for it is through religious acts that you cover up the devil
What does Claudius remark aside and under her breath? -Claudius states how his conscious is hurt = a confirmation of the truth of the ghost -he admits his actions to be hypocritical of his word -he admits the heavy burden that he carries
What famous line does Hamlet say? What is the meaning of it? “TO be, or not to be, that is the question: ‘ -Hamlet debates with himself whether patient endurance of wrong is more honorable than courageous opposition -is it better to deal with the pain or to oppose it with force
rub meaning -catch or snag -in the game of bowls, the rub is anything that impedes the bowl’s movement
moral coil business of humanity
quietus def final reckoning
What does Hamlet remark about death and sleeping? – to sleep no more -to end heartache and end all flesh in final completion -to sleep = to die = possibly dream -in dreams in the sleep of death = make us stop and think -misfortunes endures so long in life
bodkin meaning needle, small dagger
fardels def burdens
What does Hamlet remark about the ills of living? -oppression, insults, unrequited love, law’s delay, disrespect in office, and the scorn that a deserving man endures -why wouldn’t he take his life with a dagger? What would he endure these burdens and sweat under a weary life?
What does Hamlet remark about after life? -the undiscovered country which whom nobody returns and which puzzles all -the unknown aspect of death makes people endure their ills and pains rather than go somewhere unknown
What does hamlet remark about conscience? -conscience and moral awareness makes cowards of everyone -the natural color of courage is turned white with the pallor of thinking -with too enterprises huge and important, their over thinking makes them lose their motivation and lose the drive for action
soft you now meaning be quiet
orisons meaning prayers
how does Hamlet reply to Ophelia’s greeting? -with formality and humble thanks, as if talking to a stranger
What is Hamlet’s response to Ophelia telling him she has keepsakes to return to him? -He denies that he ever gave her anything -he says “No, not I” -he is no longer the same man as the lover who gave present to Ophelia
Why does Ophelia no longer want Hamlet’s gifts? -he had made the gifts important other and rich because of the sweet words he spoke to her over them -now, the cover has changed into a different, less kind, person and the rich gifts as no longer valuable to her
what does Hamlet question Ophelia about she demands him to take back the gifts ? what does he mean by this? “Are you honest?” -do you mean that? -honest also means chaste and hamlet develops this sense just as he plays with different meanings of fair
What is a second meaning for honest? -honest also means chaste and hamlet develops this sense just as he plays with different meanings of fair
What questioning and remarks does Hamlet make about honesty and fairness? “if you be honest and fair, your honesty should admit no discourse to your beauty” -your chastity should allow no contact with your beauty -Ophelia appears to misunderstand – either naive or with witty self protection against hamlets rudeness
what paradox does Hamlet comment on? -the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what is it to a wha it is not, then the force of honesty can transform beauty into himself –this is a paradox -if it easy to lose a good reputation and hard to gain one -time proves this to be true through his mother -He once loved Ophelia
What does Hamlet say about his love for Ophelia? -he once loved her -she shouldn’t have believed his love for her because virtue cannot be implanted like this into our human nature -Hamlet does not believe in love-Hamlet claims to have never loved Ophelia -humans are sinners
What remarks does Hamlet make about the entire human race? -do not trust none of us -we are all sinners
What self -effacing remarks does Hamlet make? -he says he has moderate honestly but he would accuse himself of such bad things that it would have been better if he were not born -he says that he is proud, revengeful, ambitious and waiting to commit more offenses then he has the imagination or time to act on. -he questions is existence
What does Hamlet say Ophelia should do? -she should go to a nunnery -she should not marry preferably, she should remain chaste and pure -but if she does marry, she should marry a foolish man because wise men uno that women will make monsters/cuckholds (husband of unfaithful wife) of them
What insults does Hamlet give to Ophelia? -He says that he knows of her “paintings” = use of cosmetics-he reprimands her for making herself a new face after God has given her a face-you walk and talk affectively, give new name to God’s creatures, and pretend that these seductive wiles are done because you know no bette/because of ignorance-go to a nunnery
jig and amble and you lisp meaning you walk and talk affectedly
What change is verse occurs when Hamlet leaveS? the verse restores to kind of normality after Hamlet leaves disjointed prose
expectant and rose meaning finest hope
What is ophelia’s remark after Hamlet leaves? what metaphor does she use? -I, of all ladies, dejected and wretched believed all of his vows that were like music to my ears that were all lies -like sweet beautiful bells out of tune and sounding harsh, the unmatched feature of flowering you filled with madness Hamlet has become
What is the King’s plan after hearing Hamlets words to Ophelia? -he does not believe it is love nor madness that causes him to act like this -he believes there is something weighing on his soul and is brooding over -he believes that the hatch/his intention will be a danger -he has quickly decided to send him to England on a errand to demeaned their neglected tribute -he hopes that the seas will treat his depression and new sights will settle the matter in his heart and return him to himself. -he sets into motion his plot to kill Hamlet
What neglected tribute is Claudius sending Hamlet to England for? at the time of Elizabeth I, the Danes made a fresh attempt to claim the tribute which english had paid in self protection since the tenth century
set it down meaning decided
haply perhaps
What were seas believed to do? sea voyages were recognized as treatment for depression
What is polonius’ response to hearing Hamlet’s words to Ophelia? -he believes that the origin in his madness is sprung from neglected love -he says that the King should do whatever he sees fit, but that he should let Gertrude speak plainly to Hamlet to see if she can find out what is wrong with him, while Polonius is listening in on the conversation -send him to England or confine him where you think it is best
What is the King’s last remark about madness? madness in great ones must not go unwatched -he is planning on spying on his son and planning on killing him -he is suspicious of hamlet being against him??
“To be or not to be that is the question: whether tis noble in the mind to suffer the slight and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing them, end them” beginning of hamlets third soliloquy -hamlet questions whether it is better to suffer under fortune or to stand up against it
“to die, to sleep; to sleep, perchance to dream — ay there’s the rub” soliloquy 3 -unanswered question –
“For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, the insolence of office and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes list of fardels = burdens in soliloquy 3
“what a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life” Hamlet is debating his life, why he lives, and why he shouldn’t kill himself in his third soliloquy
“Bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of? Conscience does make cowards of us all” -hamlet says that he doesn’t kill himself because he is even more scared of the after life and doesn’t know whether it would be good or bad -third soliloquy
“Go thee to a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinner?” Hamlet speaking to ophelia telling her to not to get married and not to give birth because she will only give birth to a sinner
“O what noble mind is here overthrown” Ophelia speaking about hamlet after he exists and after he attacks her in anger -hamlet has lost his noble mind to madness
“Madness in great ones must no go unwatched” -he is suspicious of hamlet and paranoid about his kingdom and his throne because of his guilt
“……. than is my deed to my most painted word, O heavy burden!” Claudius talking about his guilt -burden is his murder