A Midsummer Night’s Dream Quotes

“Full of vexation come I, with complaint against my child, my daughter ___” Speaker: EgeusListener:TheseusMeaning: He is angry at HermiaImportance: Lysander & Hermia cannot be together; women had no power in society
“Either to die the death, or to abjure forever the society of men.” Speaker: TheseusListener: HermiaMeaning: You either die or be a nunImportance: women had to obey their father’s decisions; forces the fourth option of running away
“Relent, sweet ___, and ___, yield thy crazed title to my certain right.” Speaker: DemetriusListener: HermiaMeaning: He is telling them to break up Importance: people gave up their happiness to survive
“The course of true love never did run smooth.” Speaker: LysanderListener: HermiaMeaning: true love is never easyImportance: Lysander and Hermia are examples of true love that must be fought for.
“Take comfort he no more shall see my face.” Speaker: HermiaListener: HelenaMeaning: Demetrius will no longer see HermiaImportance: Hermia is running away and Helena knows.
“Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid pained blind.” Speaker: HelenaListener: HelenaMeaning: love is blind, like CupidImportance: you can’t always choose who you love
“Here is the scroll of every man’s name who is thought fit, through all Athens, to play in our interlude before the Duke and Duchess on his wedding day at night.” Speaker: QuinceListener: ActorsMeaning: list of people performing for Duke’s weddingImportance: these characters are conceited
“That will ask some tears in the true performing of it.” Speaker: BottomListener: QuinceMeaning: it will make the audience cryImportance: he thinks he is a great actor (shows his conceited character).
“The king doth keep his revels here tonight. Take heed the queen come not within his sight.” Speaker: Robin / PuckListener: FairyMeaning: the king is having a party and does not want to see the Queen. Importance: their love is strained
“These are the forgeries of jealousy.” Speaker: TitaniaListener: OberonMeaning: they slept with other peopleImportance: they have a very flawed marriage
“I love thee not, therefore pursue me not.” Speaker: DemetriusListener: HelenaMeaning: he does not love her, don’t pursue meImportance: the love is unrequited
“We cannot fight for love as men may do. We should be wooed and were not made to woo.” Speaker: HelenaListener: Demetrius (and Oberon)Meaning: women are not allowed to pursue loveImportance: gender roles
“And with the juice of this I’ll streak her eyes and make her full of hateful fantasies.” Speaker: OberonListener: RobinMeaning: he will put magic juice on Titania to make her in loveImportance: strange, jealous love
“Through the forest have I gone, but Athenian found I non on whose eyes I might approve this flower’s force in stirring love.” Speaker: RobinListener: audienceMeaning: he went searching but found no AthenianImportance: he’s about to annoy the wrong couple
“And run through fire I will for they sweet sake.” Speaker: LysanderListener: HelenaMeaning: he would do anything for her sakeImportance: Lysander has fallen in love with Helena
“Wherefore was I to keen mockery born? When at your hands did I deserve this scorn?” Speaker: HelenaListener: LysanderMeaning: she thinks he is mocking herImportance: the magic; shows her self-esteem
“Help me, Lysander, help me! Do thy best to pluck this crawling serpent from my breast.” Speaker: HermiaListener: LysanderMeaning: she had a dreamImportance: foreshadowing; theme of dreaming