A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Quick Review

What is the name of this character? Puck/Robin Goodfellow
What are these creatures called? fairies
What is not true of Shakespeare? He…a) was born in Stratford, Englandb) was an actor and playwrightc) based his plots on models from Classical Greek and Asian literatured) introduced around 3000 words to the English language c) His plays were based on models from Classical Greek and Roman literature.
What is true about Midsummer’s Day? It…a) is a modern holiday that started around 100 years agob) occurs on the Summer Solstice c) is celebrated with bonfires lit to welcome fairiesd) celebrates the blooming of healing plants. b) It occurs on the Summer Solstice, around June 24, on the day with the most hours of daylight and least hours of night time of the year.
What is the genre of this play? romantic comedy
The setting of the play is… a forest outside Athens, Greece.
Fill in the blank: A characteristic of Shakespeare’s comedies is that they often involve mistaken ______________. identities.
Fill in the blank: A characteristic of Shakespeare’s comedies is that they have ______________ endings. happy
Fill in the blank: A characteristic of Shakespeare’s comedies is that they often end with a _______________. wedding
Fill in the blanks: The night before Midsummer’s Day (the Midsummer Night in the title of the play), people _______________ to celebrate and then watch the ________________. stay up all night; sunrise
Fill in the blanks: Midsummer’s Night is thought to be full of mystery and _____________ , with ____________ running around causing ____________. magic; spirits; mischief
What are the names of the naughty fairy? Hobgoblin, (sweet) Puck, Robin Goodfellow
Fill in the blank: Robin Goodfellow likes to _____________ the young girls in the village. scare
Fill in the blanks: Robin Goodfellow steals the ___________ from the milk so that ___________ can’t be made. cream; butter
Fill in the blank: Robin Goodfellow takes the ___________ from the beer. foam
Fill in the blanks: Robin Goodfellow causes ____________ to get lost and then ____________ at them. travellers; laughs
Fill in the blank: Robin Goodfellow pretended to be a _____________ to trick a fat old stallion. filly/young female horse
Fill in the blanks: Robin Goodfellow disguised himself as an ____________ in a old gossipy woman’s drink, and then bumped into her ___________ so that she would ___________ her drink. apple; lips; spill
Fill in the blanks: Robin Goodfellow changed himself into a _____________ and when an old lady sat down, he ___________ away. She ___________ and everyone ___________ at her. (three-legged) stool; slipped; fell; laughed
Theme: “The course of true love never did run smooth.” What does this quotation mean? It means that it is difficult/challenging to find love because there may be a lot of obstacles along the way.
Puck/Robin Goodfellow plays tricks on the four young lovers in the forest. How does this affect them? The tricks cause trouble for the lovers who want to be with the ones they truly love.
Theme: “The course of true love never did run smooth.” However, the play has a happy ending: what lesson should we learn from this? The difficulties/challenges we have to overcome for true love are worthwhile.
Theme: ” Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,/And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” This means love causes us to…? ignore facts and make decisions/take action based on emotions.
Fill in the blanks: in the play, ___________ makes the characters forget who they love, and they fall in love with others. This change is __________ as even the Fairy Queen falls in love with a donkey. magic/a love potion/Puck’s love potion; illogical/ magical/ imaginative/ strange/ irrational
Theme: Cupid is blindfolded, which means that when he shoots his arrows to match people, it is random and by chance. This tells us that ____________. love is irrational/there is no logical explanation as to how people end up as couples
Motif: Using ___________ , we can see Puck stand out from the helpful fairies, as he is __________. contrast; mischievous/naughty/likes to cause trouble
Motif: Shakespeare says the whole play is a __________ , as this reflects the “blind” aspect of love