A midsummer nights dream

Why has Theseus ordered a revel (festivity)? he orders it because hes getting married and to celebrate his marriage to Hippolyta.
What has he promised Hippolyta? That their wedding will be a happy time
Why does Egeus bring Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius to Theseus? because he wants to give a complaint about hermia; egeus gave demetrius his blessing to marry hermia but hermia wants to marry lysander; he wants hermia to either marry demetrius or have her be killed
Why does Theseus tell Hermia to come to terms with her father’s choice of husband for her? because if she doesnt she will die or never be able to be
What is Hermia’s decision? she chooses to go into a nunery and live a single life
Why does Theseus lead Egeus and Demetrius away? To talk to them privately and to get the actors off the stage
What is Lysander’s plan? He wants them to take a horse and leave town and go to his widowed aunts house so that they can get married there
Why does Helena want to be like Hermia? Because demetrius loves hermia and helena wants demetrius to love her
Why do hermia and Lysander tell Helena the plan? Because Helena complains that demetrius only wants hermia and to tell them that she won’t be around anymore and be left for helena
What does Helena intend to do with this? She’s going to tell demetrius so that he will be happy and realize that she gave him the info and make him fall in love with her
Why do the craftsman meet? They are going to assign and discuss the roles they will have in the play(the play is for hippolyta and theseus wedding)
Why is quince the one assigning the roles? He wrote the play and he is the director/he has everyone in mind for a specific character.
What is bottom’s reaction to his assigned role? He wants to know who Pyramus is and he is going to act so well everyone in the audience is going to be crying
What is flute’s misgiving about his assignment? He has a beard so he can’t play a women
Why does bottom want to play Flute’s role? He wants to show his acting ability
What is snug’s worry? He is slow at memorizing his lines so he doesn’t think he will be able to remember them
Why does Bottom want to play snug’s role? He wants to roar
What do Quince and Bottom caution about the role of the lion? It would scare the ladies in the audience and if they scared them they would be executed
Why does Quince insist Bottom play Pyramus? He said Pyramus is the most handsome man in all of the world
Where are the men to meet next? They are going to meet in the forest at the duke’s oak
How did Puck earn his reputation? by playing pranks on both humans and animals (example: Pretend to be a stool and when an old lady goes to sit down he will vanish and she will fall; pretend to be an apple in a drink so that when the person goes to drink it all of the drink spills on the person)
Why is Oberon angry with Titania? because she wont give him the indian boy
What is her argument with him? because she told the boys mom that she will raise/look after the kid
What is it Oberon sends Puck to find? the flower (love-in-idleness)
How does Oberon intend to punish his wife? using the flower on her and making her fall in love with something hideous
Why does Helena pursue Demetrius? because she is in love with him
Why does Demetrius want Helena to leave him alone? because he doesnt love her, he loves hermia
How is it that Oberon is able to overhear them? he makes himself invisible
What does Oberon decide when Puck returns? to have him use some of the juice from the flower on demetrius’s eyes to fall in love with helena
How does Oberon instruct Puck to recognize ? by his clothes
What is it Oberon hopes Titania sees immediately upon awakening? the ugliest creature in the woods
Why does Lysander want to rest? because hermia looks tired and he doesnt know were they are
Why does Hermia ask him to move further away to sleep? it is better for them to keep her purity before marriage
Why does Robin Goodfellow (Puck) anoint Lysander’s eye? because he thought it was demetrius
What does Robin Goodfellow think Hermia’s reason is for sleeping so far removed from Lysander? What does Robin Goodfellow think Hermia’s reason is for sleeping so far removed from Lysander?
Why does Helena stop chasing Demetrius? he was too fast and she was out of breath
Why does Demetrius leave Helena alone in the woods? he wants to get away from her
Why does Lysander profess his love for Helena? because he got the juice on his eyes and helena was the first thing he saw
What is Helena’s reaction to Lysander’s protestations of love? she thinks hes joking and being a jerk
Why does Hermia awake? she had a bad dream
What is it Puck reports to Oberon? That the craftsman were rehearsing and turned bottom into a donkey and titania fell in love with him and that he put it on the athenian
Why is Hermia following Demetrius? she thinks he killed lysander
What is it Oberon realizes when he sees them together? that puck put the juice on the wrong persons eyes
How is this mistake to be rectified? with the healing potion
Why won’t Helena accept Lysander’s advances? because she thinks its just a joke
Why does she doubt the veracity of Demetrius’s protestations of love? because he hates her for a long time
Why do Hermia and Helena argue? she thinks hermia is mocking her too
Why do each of the young people leave? d and l go to fight and hel leaves because she doesnt want to fight herm
How does Puck manage to make Lysander and Demetrius sleep? he mimicks the voices of the other and makes them run around the forest until they are tired
Why do Helena and Hermia also fall asleep? because they are really tired
What is it Bottom asks Peaseblossom, Mustardseed and Cobweb to do? Asks peaseblossom to scratch his head, cobweb to bring him some honey, and mustardseed to help peaseblossom
What news does Oberon tell Puck? That he has the india boy, to remove the spell from titania, and change bottom back
Why is Titania in love with her husband again? because the spell was removed
Why are Theseus, Hippolyta and Egeus in the wood? hunting
Why does Theseus think the five sleeping people came to the wood? they came early to celebrate may day
What does Lysander answer when questioned by Theseus? he doesnt know how he got their but he tells his plan about eloping with hermia
Why is Egeus so angry? because he wants hermia to marry demetrius and he heard she was planning to elope
Why won’t Demetrius marry Hermia as he had promised? because he is now in love with helena
What is Theseus’ decision? he tells them he is over ruling egeus and that they can all get married together
Why does Bottom want Quince to write a ballad? about his dream, “Bottom’s Dream”
How do the actors know Bottom has not yet returned? they went to his house and he is not there
Why cant they perform the play? they dont have bottom
What do his friends say are Bottom’s best qualities? hes funny
What mistake does Quince make when referring to Bottoms voice? he refers to his voice as a paramore not a paragon
What is Snug’s news? that more people are getting married
What is especially disappointing about not being able to present the play? they wouldve made more money
What would Flute have demanded for Bottom? that he would make a lot of money
What is Bottom’s reaction upon finding his friends? he asks them why they are sad
Why wont he tell them what has happened to him because it would take to long too tell and they had to present their play
What is his advice to his fellow actors? to get their costumes ready, the lion not to cut his finger
Why does Theseus doubt the reality of the story the lovers tell him? He thinks its all made up he said it was more strange than true
What are the choices for the revel? Battle song sang by athenia unic,old play theseus has already seen,a play he demes to serious for the wedding,mechanicals
Why does Theseus choose the craftsman play? He didn’t care for all the other ones;he honored that the simple people would try and put a play on for him
What is the consensus of opinion about the prologue?
Why does Theseus command Demetrius to be silent? Because pyramus is coming near the wall,its his turn to speak
What is Hippolyta’s astute comment about the play? She said it was the silliest thing shes ever seen
How does Robin Starveling defend the use of the lanthorn(lantern) representing the moon? he doesn’t offer an explantation the lantern is the moon
How does Pyramus die in the play-within-the play? He stabs himself he seen the scarf on the ground so he thinks his lover is dead
What does Oberon tell the fairies to do before they sing and dance all night? They bless the house
there are two things that puck asks the audience what are the two things puck asks the audience? If they didn’t like it pretend it was all a dreamIf they liked it to applaud them